Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.



If you need to maintain a bibliography in bibtex format and also write a Web page to publish the list of your publications, then bib3html is the right solution for you.

bib3html is a refined fork from bib2html written by tango. It enables to add bibtex entries formatted as HTML in wordpress pages and posts. The input data is a local or remote bibtex file and the output is HTML.
The entries are formatted by default using the IEEE style. Bibtex source file and a link to the publication are also available from the HTML.
In order to reduce site loading the generated HTML Contents are cached in the cache directory for a defined time. If the cached HTML is out of date it gets reloaded automatically.


  • input data directly from the bibtex text file
  • source files can be URL
  • automatic HTML generation
  • template and cache usage
  • easy inclusion in wordpress pages/posts by means of a dedicated tag
  • possibility of filtering the bibtex entries based on their type (e.g. „allow“, „deny“)
  • possibility to access the single bibtex entry source code to enable copy&paste (toggle-enabled visualization)
  • expose URL of each document (if network-reachable)
  • possibility of editing the bibtex file directly from the wordpress administration page

The bib3html plugin has been developed and tested under WordPress 3.2.0

A brief Markdown Example

When writing a page/post, you can use the tag [bibtex] as follows:

This is tango’s whole list of publications: [bibtex file=“mypub.bib“]
If you want to filter the type of bibtex items, you can use one of the attributes allow, deny and key as follows:

This is tango’s list of journal articles:
[bibtex file=“mypub.bib“ allow=“article“]

This is tango’s list of conference articles and technical reports:
[bibtex file=“mypub.bib“ allow=“inproceedings,techreport“]

This is the rest of tango’s publications:
[bibtex file=“mypub.bib“ deny=“article,inproceedings,techreport“]

This is tango’s latest conference paper:
[bibtex file=“mypub.bib“ key=“CGW2006″]

This is tango’s bibliography maintained at citeulike.org
[bibtex file=“http://www.citeulike.org/bibtex/user/username“]

This is tango’s bibliography maintained at bibsonomy.org
[bibtex file=“http://bibsonomy.org/bib/user/username?items=1000″]


  1. download the zip file and extract the content of the zip file into a local folder
  2. local bibtex files should be copied in bib3html/data/ directory
  3. upload the folder bib3html into your wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. if using a unix based operation system set chmod to an appropriate state (esp. /cache, /data)
  5. log in the wordpress administration page and access the Plugins menu
  6. activate bib3html


How can I edit tango’s bibtex files?

If your file is local to the blog installation, you have two options:
– via FTP client with text editor
– via WordPress Admin interface: Manage->Files->Other Files
— use wp-content/plugins/bib3html/data/mybibfile.bib as a path

Alternatively, you can maintain your updated biblilography by using systems such as citeulike.org and bibsonomy.org;
specify the bib file using as a URL (e.g., in citeulike, you should use http://www.citeulike.org/bibtex/user/username)

How are the entries sorted?

Since version 0.9, the entries are sorted by year starting from the most
recent; in future revision, I plan to make this configurable by the user

How can I personlize the HTML rendering?

The HTML rendering is isolated in a template file called bibentry-html.tpl.
Just change it.


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