Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 22. Dezember 2017 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
8. Juli 2019
Works as promised, no bugs. I like the arithmetic option!
2. April 2019
21. Mai 2018
Great plugin, but unfortunately it had a backdoor for an attacker accordingly to the link For this reason, the plugin was marked as „This plugin has been closed for new installs“. The cited site says that the backdoor is present in all versions bellow of 4.4.5 version. Anyway, the cited site recommends the uninstalling of this plugin.
19. April 2018
If you can do basic math, you can log in or register. Eliminated bot registration.
27. März 2018
For me this is a great plugin to protect my site against hackers and intruders
15. Februar 2018
it`s a best plugin for captcha
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