NEWS: Easy Fancybox heißt jetzt Firelight Lightbox. Lies hier mehr darüber.
Firelight Lightbox ist das beliebteste Lightbox-Plugin für WordPress und auf über 200.000 WordPress-Installationen aktiv. Es fügt eine leichtgewichtige und flexible Lightbox zum Anzeigen von Bildern und anderen Medien auf Deiner Website hinzu.
Nach der Aktivierung werden Links zu Bildern, Galerien, Videos, PDFs, Karten, Modals usw. in einer Lightbox geöffnet. Die Einstellungen findest Du unter „Lightbox“ in Deinem Haupt-Administratormenü.
Demos für Bilder, Videos, PDFs, Karten und Modale/Popups:
Free Lightbox Demo
Pro Lightbox Demo – Light Theme
Pro Lightbox Demo – Dark Theme
– Automatische Erkennung von Bildern
– Automatische Erkennung von Galerien
– Passe Optionen für das Erscheinungsbild, den Stil und das Verhalten der Lightbox an
– Öffnet alle gängigen Bildformate, einschließlich WebP und SVG
– Öffnet WordPress-Core-Galerien („Link zu“ muss auf „Mediendatei“ eingestellt sein)
– Öffnet Videos von YouTube, Vimeo und Dailmotion
– Öffnet PDF-Dateien (Einbettung mit Objekt-Tag, Iframe, externer Google Docs Viewer)
– Öffnet NextGEN-Galerien (Anleitung)
– Öffnet Inhalte von externen Websites (Anleitung)
– Erstelle einfache Modalitäten und Popup-Boxen (Anleitung)
– Imagemaps öffnen (Anleitung)
– Lightbox über WordPress-Menüelemente öffnen (Anweisungen)
– Unterstützung für Jetpack Infinite Scroll
– Unterstützung für WordPress Multisite (siehe Installationsanleitung)
-> Demos
-> Docs
-> Kostenloser Support
Firelight Lightbox Pro ist eine Erweiterung für dieses Lightbox-Plugin, die Folgendes bietet:
– Dutzende Pro-Funktionen für kostenlose Lightboxen (Fancybox Legacy, Classic, V2)
– Prioritätssupport direkt von den Entwicklern
– Neue und leistungsstarke Pro Lightbox basierend auf Fancybox 5, einschließlich:
– Schöne, moderne Lightbox im Vollbildmodus
– Über 100 Anpassungsoptionen
– Miniaturansichten innerhalb der Lightbox
– Social Sharing für Bilder
– Direktlink zu Bildern in der Lightbox
– Schaltfläche „Bild herunterladen“
– Symbolleiste mit Steuerelementen für Miniaturansichten, Social Sharing, Zoom, Diashow usw.
– Videos öffnen
– PDFs öffnen
– Popups öffnen
– Inline-Inhalte und Iframes öffnen
– Google Maps öffnen
– NextGEN Gallery-Integration
– Elementor-Integration
– Perfekt auf Mobilgeräten
– Optimierte Lightbox-Geschwindigkeit
DSGVO / EU Datenschutz
Dieses Plugin sammelt keine Daten und setzt keine Browser Cookies. Jedoch bietet die PRO-Version eine Option, das Popup nach dem ersten Besuch zu deaktivieren, wofür ein Browser Cookie benötigt wird. Dieses Cookie speichert dabei den ersten Besuch eines Besuchers mit Zeitstempel und Pfad im Browser; es wird nicht geteilt und es werden keine Daten am Server oder irgendwo anders gespeichert.
Wenn Du mit diesem Plugin zufrieden bist, schreibe bitte eine kurze Bewertung, hilf anderen im Forum oder beim übersetzen.
Bekannte Konflikte & Probleme
Installiere es wie jedes andere Plugin. Suche auf Deiner WordPress-Admin-Plugin-Seite nach „Lightbox“ “ oder „Firelight“ oder „Easy Fancybox“. Oder lade die Zip-Datei von dieser Seite herunter und lade sie über Deine Admin-Plugin-Seite hoch.
WordPress Multiste
Das Plugin ist mit Multisite kompatibel. Du kannst das Plugin netzwerkweit aktivieren oder es einzelnen Sites erlauben, es zu aktivieren.
Wenn Du das Plugin pro Site aktivierst, wird für jede Site der Medientyp Bilder aktiviert und Firelight Lightbox versucht sofort, Bildlinks in der Lightbox zu öffnen.
Bei netzwerkweiter Aktivierung mit Netzwerkaktivierung werden die Unterwebsites nicht für jeden Medientyp aktiviert. Die Optionen sind für die Site-Administratoren vorhanden und können entweder aktiviert oder deaktiviert bleiben.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Firelight Lightbox“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„Firelight Lightbox“ wurde in 14 Sprachen übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
Übersetze „Firelight Lightbox“ in deine Sprache.
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- Update: Improve sanitization of alt tags
- Update: Update minified JS files
- Update: Pro trial implementation
- Fix: Compatibility with older Pro versions
- Revert: Background scrolling fix on mobile IOS devices
- New: Change plugin name to Firelight Lightbox
- New: Added free trials for pro version
- Updated: Change style & behavior of options page
- Fix: ’nofancybox‘ not working fully for image blocks
- Fix: Background scrolling on mobile IOS devices
- Update: Pro landing page
- Update: Small code cleanup
- Update: Settings screen title
- Update: Refactor/fix how gallery grouping works
- Update: Email opt in for all users
- Fix: Save message on settings screen
- Fix: Vimeo player links for Fancybox2
- Skipped
- New: Modal for email opt ins
- Update: Apply code standards to some files
- Fix: „Automattically group images“ setting issue
- New: Options to hide/close lightbox panel in block editor
- Update: Apply coding standards to fancybox-options.php
- Fix: wp_enqueue_script syntax error
- Fix: Adopt older wp_enqueue_script syntax
- Updated: Apply code standards to admin class
- Udpated: Raise compatible version of pro to 2.0.0
- Added: JavaScript build set up with wp-scripts
- Added: Lightbox panel in block editor
- Updated: Coding standard for main plugin file
- Updated: Coding standards for easyFancyBox class
- Updated: PHP coding standards to all view files
- Updated: Refine admin JS enqueuing
- Updated: Minor markup changes to admin pages
- Added: Pro landing page for re-launch of Pro
- Added: Optoin to disable core lightbox
- Updated: Refined styling / JS for options screen
- Updated: Default video width and height values
- Fixed: JS console error on admin dashboard
- Fixed: Lightbox buttons not working on mobile
- Added: Fancybox V2 option for retina displays
- Update: Check WordPress version before using some functions
- Update: Automattically open image blocks without links
- Update: Automattically open gallery blocks without links
- Update: Disable core lightbox when active
- Update: WordPress tested version to 6.5.3
- Update: Allow % width/height for PDFs
- Update: Increase review requests to 50% of users
- Update: Adjust review request, up to 20% of users
- Update: Update plugin banner and icon
- Update: Review request on dashboard, 10% of users
- Update: Review requests to 40% of users
- Added: Request plugin reviews (10% of users)
- Added: Fancybox2 transitions
- Fixed: Iframe width/height
- Fixed: Issues on new setting page
- Remove overlay background check
- Fixed overlay background settings
- Fixed some PHP errors
- Added new options screen
- Consolidate options for lightboxes
- Use Settings API for saving
- Remove unused files
- Added .jpeg to autodetect extensions
- Added plugin activation timestamp
- Removed unused scripts and files
- Updated WordPress required version to 5.0
- First small release by FirelightWP
- Updated author, readme, plugin meta
=1.9.6 =
* Updated author
* Updated links to new site
=1.9.5 =
* FIX: ARIA attributes
* FIX: shorthand deprecated
- FIX: Classic large content scroll
- FIX: Classic gallery overflow flicker
- FIX: Legacy float title position
- FIX: upgrade notice
- FIX: overlay opacity ignored (classic)
- FIX: onStart not a function (legacy)
- FIX: Passing event parameters failing
- FIX: Case insesitive selectors failing
- FIX: Admin message display issue
- NEW: Swipe support
- NEW: Optional fancyBox 2 or Legacy scripts
- Fixed background
- Dropped IE6-8 support
- Dropped SWF support (only availbale in Legacy)
- Accessibility improvements
- Admin settings links
- Pro compatibility message for VideoPress
- NEW: Exclude selector option
- FIX: border 0 ignored sometimes
- FIX: Jetpack Tiled Gallery block compatibility
- Don’t include mousewheel script by default
- SECURITY: fixed failing color value sanitization + added inline styles output filter, issue reported by Jakob Hagl
- Pro compatibility messages
- Support forum link
- FIX: Trying to get property ‚ID‘ of non-object
- mark WordPress 5.2 compatible
- FIX: inline wrapper nesting issue
- Revert to file names without version
- FIX: version constant issue
- Prepare Visual Composer Masonry Grid Gallery compatibility option
- FIX: Vimeo player direct links breaking
- Force default autoselector for galleries
- Prevent gallery next/prev links to show dud target
- FIX: allow youtube url parameters before v=
- Autoplay Youtube/Vimeo/Dailymotion
- FIX: Exclude Vimeo user pages from autodetect
- FIX: Exclude facebook/twitter share link
- FIX: PDF embed tag
- Gutenberg file block download button compatibility
- Gutenberg gallery block compatibility
- FIX: Missing argument in easyFancyBox::add_video_wmode_opaque()
- Remove version URL parameters
- FIX: jQuery 3+ e.indexOf is not a function
- FIX: prevent Inline content title
- Improved center on scroll behavior with title outside
- FIX: Pro options compatibility
- FIX: AutoScale option restored
- FIX: outline issue in Firefox
- Prevent SiteGround Optimizer warning about break outside loop
- FIX: main method not returning true in some cases
- Force all hosted video to https
- FIX: video iframe needs allow=“autoplay“ on modern browsers
- FIX: default enqueue priority not 10
- FIX: possible infinite loop in prev/next and image preloader
- Move main method (back) to init, position 9
- Introducing easy_fancybox_enqueue_scripts action hook
- NEW: Google Docs Viewer for PDF
- NEW: Youtube privacy-enhanced embed
- NEW: Compatibility options: late script inclusion, jquery exclusion, no wp_add_inline_script
- FancyBox: Improved mobile viewport height detection
- FancyBox: now skips subsequent double links in gallery
- FancyBox: new PDF content type
- FancyBox: improved error messages
- Dedicated IE8 stylesheet
- jQuery Easing update to 1.4.1
- NEW: Aspect ratio for video frames on smaller screens
- NEW: Global minimum screen size
- NEW: Loading icon for video/iframe content
- NEW: Resize light box on device orientation or browser window size change
- NEW: Modal window class and close button class
- FIX: pre PHP 5.4 compatibility
- FIX: iPhone iframe scrolling
- FIX: Autoptimize compatibility
- Switch to wp_add_inline_script() script printing, thanks @szepeviktor
- FIX: inline js minification incompatibility, thanks @alexiswilke
- FIX: line breaks hidden on options media admin page since WP 4.9, thanks @garrett-eclipse
- Nolightbox class in menu also for other media types than images
- FIX: CSS color code
- Spelling fixes, thanks @garrett-eclipse
- FIX: Pinterest button compatibility
- FIX: Double load plugin text domain
- Ergänze webp um standardmäßig Bildtypen automatisch zu erkennen
- Weitere rel-Attribute aus Galerien entfernen
- BUGFIX: gallery preload
- Update jquery.easing.js and jquery.mousewheel.js
- BUGFIX: use dirname(FILE) instead of relying on DIR to be available
- Explizite Transparenz für Galerie Navigation-Links
- FIX: variable variable php 7 compat
- FIX: obj undefined in minified js
- FIX: nofancybox in menu ignored, thanks Trishah
- Color value sanitize
- NEW: auto popup delay
- NEW: pro extension version compatibility check routine
- NEW: margin option
- NEW: iFrame alow full screen option
- Dropped mu-plugins support
- Added support for universal nolightbox class
- Set focus on iframe after load
- FIX: No center on scroll on touch devices
- FIX: Allow fullscreen videos
- FIX: Pro extension link update
- NEW: WebP support and class=’image‘ to force image media type
- IE 6-8 css rules optional
- iframe embed for Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion
- Croation translation
- HTML5 players allowfullscreen default
- iPad positioning patch
- Don’t unregister scripts that are not ours even for conflict prevention
- box-sizing: border-box issue in Firefox fixed
- Allow mousewheel scrolling page in the background again
- Prevent mousewheel scrolling page in the background
- New stylesheet IE alphaimageloader path fix approach
- Czech translation added
- Updated Indonesian translation
- BUGFIX: easy_fancybox_handler() in combo with trigger(‚click‘) causes Uncaught Exception script error
- FIX: jQuery 1.9+ compatibility
- Dropping support for gForms again — „Cannot convert ‚c‘ to object“ error in combination with some older gForms version 🙁
- NEW: support for Infinite Scroll by Jetpack
- FIX: CSS3 box-sizing issue (Twenty Thirteen) misplacing close button
- NEW: Added SVG support. Thanks to Simon Maillard.
- Pre WP 3.6: jQuery 1.9+ compatibility
- JQuery Mousewheel extension update to 3.1.3
- NEW: Elegant Themes compatibility
- Some small Touch device compatibility improvement hacks to the 1.3.4 script
- Major plugin overhaul: Class implementation
- NEW: Disable hide on overlay click
- NEW: Allow automatic resizing to large image size set on Settings > Media during media upload via the hidden WordPress function media_upload_max_image_resize()
- NEW Options: iFrame scrolling, autoScale, key navigation/close, cyclic galleries
- Metadata custom parameters and Mousewheel gallery scrolling scripts optional
- Basic RTL languages/text direction support (gallery navigation inversion, title position)
- BUGFIX: https in stylesheet on Windows IIS
- Improved W3TC compatibility: query string issue
- Gravity Forms in ajax mode compatibility
- Use jQuery’s bind(‚ready‘) for better ajax content compatibility
- Dynamic stylesheet response headers to allow browser caching
- Minified version of jquery.metadata.js
- Auto-detect on image map areas
- nolightbox class for menu items
- SECURITY: Settings sanitization
- BUGFIX: load_textdomain firing after the main settings array is loaded, leaving text strings in it untranslated.
- BUGFIX: missing signs in Youtube url regular expression
- BUGFIX: unquoted rel attribute selectors in jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js
- BUGFIX: broken url path in IE stylesheet when missing $_SERVER[‚SERVER_NAME‘]
- BUGFIX: easing extension not needed on linear easing
- NEW: Lithuanian translation
- NEW: Hindi translation
- NEW: Indonesian translation
- NEW: Romanian translation
- NEW: Polish translation
- NEW: Spanish translation
- NEW: jQuery Metadata support
- NEW: Image map AREA support for all content types
- NEW: new iFrame/HTML5 embed code for YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion
- NEW: fix WordPress Dailymotion auto-embed code missing wmode
- Some changes to default settings
- Updated Dutch translation
- BUGFIX: Opening speed
- NEW: Advanced option: Gallery auto-rotation
- NEW: Spotlight effect
- Improved auto-enable and auto-gallery settings
- BIGFIX: CSS IE6 hack
- BIGFIX: PDF object in IE7
- PDF embed compatibility improvement
- NEW: Show/hide title on mouse hover action
- NEW: Auto-gallery modes (Disabled, page/post images only, all)
- NEW: Dailymotion support
- Links with id fancybox-auto will be triggered on page load
- Anything with class fancybox-hidden“ will be hidden
- Support for menu items in iframe
- Added class nofancybox for exclusion when auto-enabling
- FancyBox script version 1.3.4 (2010/11/11 –
- NEW: Support for PDF
- NEW: Easing options
- YouTube, Vimeo and iFrame options adjustable
- lots and lots of more options!
- BIGFIX: work-around for missing wmode in WordPress (auto-)embedded movies (credits: Crantea Mihaita)
- BIGFIX: iframe width
- BIGFIX: image overlay size in Google Chrome browser issue (FancyBox 1.3.3)
- BIGFIX: fancybox-swf
- FancyBox script version 1.3.3 (2010/11/4 –
- Vimeo support
- YouTube Short URL support (disabled by default)
- Auto-recognition and seperate class
for YouTube - Auto-recognition and seperate class
for Vimeo
- FancyBox script version 1.3.2 (2010/10/10 –
- translation .pot file available
- Dutch translation
- NEW: YouTube and Flash movie support
- NEW: Iframe support
- added option Auto-enable for…
- added option titlePosition : over / inside / outside
- added option transitionIn : elastic / fade / none
- added option transitionOut : elastic / fade / none
- small jQuery speed improvement by chaining object calls
- Using FancyBox version 1.3.1