Easy Replace Image


This plugin allows you to replace an attachment file by uploading another image or by downloading one from a specified URL, without deleting the attachment. The plugin handles the image sizes generation and the attachment metadata update, and you will see the result right away.



This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


  • Easy Replace Image general page where you can search for a specific image, select it and then perform the replace of the file either by uploading another one, or by downloading one from a URL of your choise.
  • Easy Replace Image direct link for the images in the Media screen, for easy access to the replace feature.
  • Easy Replace Image feature on the post pages, under the Featured image that is selected.
  • Easy Replace Image feature on the attachment page.


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 1 Block.

  • Eri Block




16. Juli 2024 3 Antworten
I think you miss regeneration. Cleaning cache is unhelpful. Kindly add manual image regeneration please. Awesom plugin!
13. Dezember 2023
I’ve been migrating an image gallery of about 9000 images collected since 2006, from a third party gallery, to Foo Gallery. It’s been a laborious manual process. Along the way, I find images that need some simple editing, and re-uploading. But neither Foo Gallery nor wordpress allows for a basic image replacement. So I tried this, and it works very easily. It does take a little time and a few refreshes for the new image to appear correctly in Foo Gallery (deleting the WP cache helps), but I’m very pleased with the result.
27. September 2023
This little plugin is a real gem! Small, simple and effective. Very neat! Only one thing I would add, the option to replace ‚Product gallery‘ images for products (WooCommerce) from ‚Edit product‘ screen.
21. März 2022
„Easy Replace Image“ m’a permis de remplacer rapidement une image en trois cliques sans devoir revoir ou corriger l’ensemble des pages sur lesquelles se retrouvait l’image en question. Cependant, j’ai constaté que les modifications ne s’affichaient pas sur le navigateur de travail (Chrome), mais tout était OK sur les navigateurs témoins (firefox et Microsoft Edge). Après avoir vidé le cache de chrome tout était OK. Merci Julia Cazan pour votre travail.
21. November 2021
This is a great plugin! I have a client whoms media library was stuffed with heavy & out of proportion images and this plugin gives me the toolset for cleaning up! Thank you for sharing your expertise by offering this plugin.
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  • Added avif to the allowed file types list


  • Tested up to 6.6
  • Exposed the sub-sizes in the replace view
  • Added the link to replace view in the attachment details modal available in the Media Library in grid mode
  • Additional changes related to forcing the image cache cleanup after replacement
  • Accessibility enhancement for the replace view
  • Additional changes that attempt to create missing folders and files on the server to fix attachments that have only database references
  • Styles updates for compatibility with core changes

See the changelog for detailed information on changes made in the earlier versions.