Embed Any Document WordPress plugin lets you embed your PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents easily in your WordPress website. The plugin integrates Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online to display your documents on your website.
Embed Any Document works just perfectly with Gutenberg as well as the classic editor. Support for more site builders are on its way! It also lets you add a Download link below your embed optionally.
Embedding documents is now easier than ever in the block editor! The whole new Document block lets you embed the documents quicker than ever
The EAD-Exclusive document pre-loader helps you with better performance and better User Experince
📂 Unterstützte Dateitypen
- Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX, DOCM, DOTM, DOTX)
- Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX, XLSB, XLSM)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX, PPSX, PPS, PPTM, POTM, PPAM, POTX, PPSM)
- Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
📋 Supported Viewers
- Google Docs Viewer (PDF & Office Documents)
- Microsoft Office Online (Office Documents Only)
- Browser Native (PDF Only)
- [PLUS VERSION] Google Drive Viewer (Stable and high performance viewer for documents hosted with Google Drive)
- [PLUS VERSION] One Drive Viewer (Document viewer for documents hosted in OneDrive)
- [PLUS VERSION] Viewer (Viewer for all documents hosted in with advanced security options to disable download button, add password, etc)
🔥 Wichtigste Vorzüge des WordPress-Plugins Embed Any Document
Easy to Upload and Embed. Embed Any Document is integrated seamlessly into the Classic Editor and the Block Editor. With a click of ‘Add Document’ button it lets you upload documents and embed them.
Keine Drittanbieter-Plugins benötigt Das Plugin benutzt Google Docs Viewer und Microsoft Office Online-Dienste, um die Dokumente auf deiner Website anzuzeigen. Du wirst für die Anzeige der Dokumente keine weiteren Browser-Plugins benötigen und du kannst maximale Kompatibilität für deine Dokumente erwarten.
Option to choose the viewer. You can choose between Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online to display your document. If one service is down, you can switch to another easily. EAD also supports browser-based viewer for PDF files.
Cross-Browser-Kompatibilität. Die Viewer sind mobile-ready und Cross-Browser kompatibel.
Saubere und minimalistische Benutzeroberfläche. Embed Any Document hat eine saubere und aufgeräumte Benutzeroberfläche.
🚀 Embed Any Document PLUS
The plugin comes with a premium version which allows you embed documents from Google Drive, Dropbox and
By using Embed Any Document PLUS you can make use of the privacy options the cloud services (OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox and offering you. You can remove download options, embed larger files, put passwords and even restrict the views.
⛔️ Einschränkungen des Plugins
Being entirely depending on third-party cloud services (Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online), Embed Any Document has its own limitations.
The embedded display does not support video/audio playback and animations/transitions in the embedded documents
Your document has to be available online for the embed views to work. The viewers do not support local host, intranet and files hosted in any password protected environment
The viewers can handle files of a limited size only (Maximum 8MB for Google Docs Viewer and 10MB for Microsoft Office Online)
The download and pop-out buttons cannot be removed – Any feature that comes by default with the viewers cannot be removed or altered
Please read our FAQs for details.
Dies ist ein AWSM-Projekt.
Disclaimer: This plugin is not authorized by, endorsed by or sponsored by Google or Microsoft. The plugin is just making use of the cloud services the respective companies provide to preview your documents.
Nahtlose Einbettung und Anzeige von PDF-, Microsoft Word-, Excel- und PowerPoint-Dokumenten auf deiner WordPress-Website.
Dieses Plugin unterstützt 1 Block.
- Document
- Lade den gesamten
-Ordner in das/wp-content/plugins/
-Verzeichnis hoch. - Aktiviere das Plugin im Menü „Plugins“ in WordPress.
- Fertig.
Dokumente hochladen oder verlinke sie mittels des „Dokument hinzufügen“-Button im visuellen Editor.
Wie füge ich Dokumente hinzu?
Sobald das Plugin aktiviert ist, findest du einen „Dokument hinzufügen“-Button in deinem visuellen Editor von WordPress. Klicke einfach darauf und folge deinem Herzen.
„Datei nicht gefunden“-Fehler auf meiner localhost Website!
Die Viewer (Google Docs Viewer und Microsoft Office Online) unterstützen keine lokal gehosteten Dateien. Dein Dokument muss für den Online-Zugriff der Viewer bereit stehen.
Ich habe noch eine Frage, die zu den FAQ gehört.
Großartig. Sende sie an Wir werden sie baldmöglichst beantworten.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Embed Any Document – Embed PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel Files“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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V 2.7.5 – 2025-01-21
- Security fixes and code improvements.
V 2.7.4 – 2023-08-07
- Added: Cookie Policy section.
- Code improvements.
V 2.7.3 – 2023-07-12
- Improved security.
- Code improvements.
V 2.7.2 – 2022-01-30
- Fixed: Security issue with file uploading.
- Fixed: Document block style issues.
V 2.7.1 – 2021-12-10
- Fixed: Fatal error in some installations.
- UI Improvements.