EWWW Image Optimizer


Are you frustrated by a slow website? Do over-sized images make you say „ewww“… Let EWWW Image Optimizer help you make your site faster, improve your bounce rate, and boost your SEO. But most importantly, make your visitors happier so they keep coming back for more.

With EWWW IO you can optimize all your existing images, from any plugin, and then let EWWW IO take care of new image uploads automatically.

Warum EWWW Image Optimizer benutzen?

  1. Keine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen und unbegrenzte Dateigröße.
  2. Leichtes Handling mit pixelgetreuer Optimierung durch branchenführende Werkzeuge und progressives Rendering.
  3. Hohes Drehmoment, weil wir dir das beste Verhältnis von Kompression/Qualität liefern, verfügbar mit unserer Premium-Komprimierung für JPG-, PNG- und PDF-Dateien.
  4. Aktives Lenksystem mit intelligenten Konvertierungsoptionen, um das richtige Bildformat für die jeweilige Aufgabe zu erhalten (JPG, PNG, GIF oder WebP).
  5. Free Parking The core plugin is free and always will be. However, our paid services offer up to 80% compression, and a host of other features!
  6. Große Reichweite: Kein Bild wird vergessen, optimiere alles auf deiner Website, weit über die WordPress-Mediathek hinaus.
  7. Sicherheit geht vor: Jede Kommunikation wird durch SSL-Verschlüsselung gesichert.
  8. Pannenhilfe: Erstklassige Hilfeleistung ist in unserer DNA. Während API-Kunden höchste Priorität genießen, beantworten wir jede Support-Anfrage sorgfältig.
  9. Ersatzreifen: kostenlose Speicherung von Bild-Backups für 30 Tage.

EWWW IO is the only plugin that lets you optimize images using tools on your own server (jpegtran, optipng, pngout, pngquant, gifsicle, cwebp). If you feel the need for more speed, get more compression and offload the CPU-intensive process of optimization to our specialized servers.

Automatic Everything

With Easy IO, images are automatically compressed, scaled to fit the page and device size, lazy loaded, and converted to the next-gen WebP format.


Stuck? Feeling like maybe you DO need that rocket science degree? We provide free one-on-one email support to everyone.
Do you have an idea to make EWWW IO even better? Share it and vote on future features!

Found a bug? Report the issue on GitHub, and we’ll get it fixed!

You may report security issues through our Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team helps validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.


Optimize all your images from a single page. This includes the Media Library, your theme, and a handful of pre-configured folders (see Optimize Everything Else below). GRAND FlaGallery, NextCellent and NextGEN have their own Bulk Optimize pages.

Optimiere alles andere

Configure any folder within your WordPress install to be optimized. The Bulk Optimizer will compress theme images, BuddyPress avatars, BuddyPress Activity Plus images, Meta Slider slides, WP Symposium Pro avatars, GD bbPress attachments, Grand Media Galleries, and any user-specified folders. You can also use Scheduled optimization or run the optimizer from WP-CLI if that’s more your thing.

Plugin Compatibility

EWWW IO has been tested with hundreds (if not thousands) of plugins and themes, here are just a few of the most common ones: BuddyPress (Activity Plus add-on too), Cloudinary, Easy Watermark, FileBird, FooGallery, GD bbPress Attachments, GRAND FlAGallery, Gmedia Photo Gallery, MediaPress, Meta Slider, Microsoft Azure Storage, MyArcadePlugin, NextGEN Gallery, Regenerate Thumbnails, Weglot, WP Offload Media, WPML, WP Retina 2x, WP RSS Aggregator, WP Symposium. Read more…

WebP Bilder

If you want simple, get automatic WebP conversion with Easy IO, and be done with it! Otherwise, you can generate WebP versions of your images with the Bulk Optimizer, and deliver them to supported browsers. Take your pick between Apache-style rewrite rules, JS WebP Rewriting, and WebP Rewriting. EWWW IO even works with the WebP option in the Cache Enabler plugin from KeyCDN.


Erlaubt dir, alle Massenoptimierungs-Prozesse in der Kommandozeile auszuführen, statt im Web-Interface. Das ist viel schneller und erlaubt dir Dinge wie Ausführen im ’screen‘ oder via regulärem cron (statt wp-cron, welches auf Websites mit wenig Verkehr unvorhersehbar sein kann). Installiere WP-CLI von wp-cli.org und führe ‚wp-cli.phar help ewwwio optimize‘ aus, für mehr Informationen oder lies die Dokumentation (engl.).

CDN Unterstützung

WP Offload Media is the officially supported (and recommended) plugin for uploads to Amazon S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, and Google Cloud Storage. Check our compatibility list for details on other plugins. All pull mode CDNs like Cloudflare, KeyCDN, MaxCDN, and Sucuri CloudProxy work automatically, but will require you to purge the cache after a bulk optimization.


Huge thanks to all our translators, see the full list!

If you would like to help translate this plugin, join the team.
Signup to receive updates when new strings are available for translation.


Geschrieben von Shane Bishop. Basierend auf dem CW Image Optimizer, der von Jacob Allred bei Corban Works, LLC geschrieben wurde. CW Image Optimizer basiert auf WP Smush.it. Jpegtran ist das Werk der Independent JPEG Group. PEL ist das Werk von Martin Geisler, Lars Olesen und Erik Oskam. ExactDN- und HTML-Parsing-Klassen basierend auf dem Photon-Modul von Jetpack.


  • Plugin Einstellungsseite.
  • Spalte Optimierung zur Medienliste hinzugefügt. Du kannst deine Einsparungen sehen, Bilder einzeln optimieren lassen, und Originale wiederherstellen (nur nach Konvertierung).
  • Massenbearbeitungsseite. Du kannst alle deine Bilder auf einmal optimieren und eine vorherige Massenbearbeitung fortsetzen. Dies ist sehr nützlich für bestehende Blogs mit vielen Bildern.


  1. Lade das „ewww-image-optimizer“ Plugin in dein /wp-content/plugins/ Verzeichnis hoch.
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin im ‚Plugins‘ Menu in WordPress.
  3. Das Plugin wird versuchen, jpegtran, optipng, und gifsicle automatisch zu installieren. Dies erfordert, dass der wp-content Ordner vom Benutzer des Webservers beschreibbar ist.
  4. If the binaries don’t run locally, you may sign up for cloud-based optimization: https://ewww.io/plans/
  5. Empfehlung Besuche die Einstellungsseite um spezifische Werkzeuge ein/auszuschalten und fortgeschrittene Optimierungsmöglichkeiten einzustellen.
  6. Fertig!

If these steps do not work, see the additional documentation. If you need further assistance using the plugin, please visit our Support Page.


To find out if your webhost works with the EWWW Image Optimizer, you can check the official list.


Does the plugin remove EXIF and/or IPTC metadata?

EWWW IO will remove metadata by default, but if you need to keep the EXIF/IPTC data for copyright purposes, you can disable the Remove Metadata option.
EXIF data does not impact SEO, and it is recommended by Google (and just about everyone else) to remove EXIF data.

Google Pagespeed behauptet, meine Bilder benötigen Kompression oder Größenänderung, aber ich habe bereits alle meine Bilder optimiert. Was soll ich tun?

Try this for starters: https://docs.ewww.io/article/5-pagespeed-says-my-images-need-more-work

Das Plugin meldet, dass mir etwas fehlt, was soll ich tun?

This article will walk you through installing the required tools (and the alternatives if installation does not work): https://docs.ewww.io/article/6-the-plugin-says-i-m-missing-something

Ersetzt das Plugin bestehende Bilder?

Ja, aber nur wenn die optimierte Version kleiner ist. Das Plugin wird NIEMALS ein größeres Bild erzeugen.

Kann ich die Größe meiner Bilder mit diesem Plugin verändern?

Ja, das kannst du über den Skalierungs-Tab einstellen.

Kann ich die Kompressionsrate für JPGs erniedrigen, um mehr Platz zu sparen?

Our premium compression can determine the ideal quality setting and give you the best results, but you may also adjust the default quality for conversion and resizing. Read more…

Die Massenoptimierung scheint nicht zu funktionieren, was kann ich tun?

See https://docs.ewww.io/article/39-bulk-optimizer-failure for full troubleshooting instructions.

Welche Betriebssysteme werden unterstützt?

Free mode using local server compression is supported on Windows, Linux, MacOS, and FreeBSD. The Compress API and Easy IO CDN will work on any OS.

Ich möchte mehr über Bildoptimierung erfahren, und warum diese Optionen/Tools gewählt wurden.

That’s not a question, but since I made it up, I’ll answer it. See this resource:


8. September 2024
Very satisfied. Can recommend to anyone needing a plugin for media optimization.
28. August 2024
Optimizing my images without any problems. Thanks.
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Release Date – September 12, 2024
* added: conversion of BMP images to JPG format
* changed: allow folders outside of WordPress install to be optimized via Folders to Optimize
* changed: improve performance of ewwwio_is_file(), props @rmpel
* changed: improve exceeded credit messages for sub-keys
* changed: warn when db connection is not using UTF-8
* changed: ensure all db statements are properly prepared/sanitized
* fixed: bulk async shows start optimizing instead of resume when queues are paused
* fixed: bulk async status refresh does not handle errors properly
* fixed: some strings with i18n had incorrect text domain


Release Date – July 25, 2024

  • added: agency mode available by defining EWWWIO_WHITELABEL or using the ewwwio_whitelabel filter
  • changed: skip lazy load for LCP images based on fetchpriority when auto-scaling is disabled
  • fixed: JS WebP alters img srcset when src is non-WebP but srcset is already WebP
  • fixed: Lazy Load and Easy IO fail to decode URLs with HTML-encoded characters, which causes esc_url to break the URL
  • fixed: Easy IO fails to update CDN domain if site is re-registered while still active


Release Date – June 6, 2024

  • added: improved resizing of paletted PNG images in WP_Image_Editor using pngquant or API
  • added: warning when hiding query strings with Hide My WP
  • changed: apply async loading to lazyload JS using WP core functionality
  • fixed: missing srcset when using JS WebP rewriting
  • fixed: multisite deactivate for Easy IO fails nonce verification
  • fixed: some strings were missing i18n (props @DAnn2012)


Release Date – April 24, 2024

  • added: Easy IO delivery for JS/CSS assets from additional domains
  • added: Lazy Load can use dominant color placeholders via Easy IO
  • added: ability to filter/parse admin-ajax.php requests via eio_filter_admin_ajax_response filter
  • added: Easy IO support for Divi Pixel image masks
  • changed: improved smoothing of LQIP for Lazy Load when using Easy IO
  • changed: after editing an image in WordPress, optimization results for backup sizes will be hidden from Media Library list mode
  • changed: Lazy Load checks for auto-scale exclusions on ancestors of lazyloaded element
  • fixed: async bulk interface does not show Start Optimizing when image queue is already visible
  • fixed: bulk process appears to have completed after clearing queue
  • fixed: storing resize/webp results for new images fails with MySQL strict mode
  • fixed: database records not cleaned after thumbs are removed by Force Regenerate Thumbnails
  • fixed: JPG to PNG conversion on 8-bit PNGs sometimes uses incorrect black background
  • fixed: Help links broken in Firefox’s Strict mode
  • fixed: async queue status not properly checked on multi-site


Release Date – March 26, 2024

  • added: Easy IO support for upcoming Slider Revolution 7 rendering engine
  • added: Easy IO updates existing image preload URLs
  • added: Lazy Load automatically excludes preloaded images
  • changed: async process locking uses unique key on disk to avoid duplicate processes
  • fixed: Easy IO skipping Slider Revolution 6 URLs
  • fixed: Lazy Load incorrectly auto-scales fixed group background images
  • fixed: uncaught errors when attempting svgcleaner install on FreeBSD
  • fixed: optimized images list links to WebP thumbnail for all sizes
  • fixed: optimized images list shows wrong thumbnail for non-media library images
  • fixed: quirks with new bulk interface and optimized images list
  • updated: cwebp to version 1.3.2
  • updated: gifsicle to version 1.95
  • updated: optipng to version 0.7.8


Release Date – March 6, 2024

  • added: async bulk optimizer on settings page
  • added: store WebP results/errors for display in Media Library, and in optimization table/results
  • added: ability to view pending/queued images, remove images from queue, and sort queue by original image size
  • fixed: restoring images from optimization table
  • fixed: attempting to install x64 binaries on arm64 servers

Earlier versions

Bitte beachte die separarte changelog.txt Datei.