Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

GDPR Tools


Main features

  • create and configure cookie notice
  • allow user to enable/disable services that can track or store user’s data
  • allow user to remove all personal data from WordPress site, including Woocommerce and other plugins
  • allow user to remove email from Mailchimp service
  • allow admin to delete particular user’s data

Quick Guide

Creating a link to allow visitors to edit their’s cookie settings

First, tick checkbox „Enable privacy settings modal triggering“ on plugin’s settings page. Then go to the page where you want to place a link (it can be pages, posts, widgets, etc.), open text editor and create a link with class „gdpr-tools-trigger-privacy-modal“. Pressing this link will open user’s data modal window.


<a class="gdpr-tools-trigger-privacy-modal">Show my cookie settings</a>

Creating a link to allow visitors to remove their data

First, tick checkbox „Enable user profile data removal“ on plugin’s settings page. Then create a page with successfull data removal text and give it some slug, i.e. „site.com/remove-my-user-data“. Then append string „?gdprt-remove-user-info“ to this link. Result link url will be „site.com/remove-my-user-data?gdprt-remove-user-info“. Insert this link to any place of your site. Pressing this link will erase user’s data.


<a class="https://site.com/remove-my-user-data?gdprt-remove-user-info">Remove my data from site</a>

Remove user data from admin panel

First, tick checkbox „Enable user profile data removal“ on plugin’s settings page. Then go to user profile page and search for section „GDPR Tools“, where you will find button „Remove user info“. Pressing this button will erase user’s data.

View user privacy settings in admin panel

You can setup or adjust (in PRO version only) user privacy settings or show/hide consent notice by checking or un-checking option „GDPR consent accepted“


  • Hauptansicht
  • Konfigurieren des Fensters für die Zustimmung zur Benutzung von Cookies
  • Dienste konfigurieren
  • Entfernen der Benutzerdaten durch den Administrator
  • Cookie consent example notice


Aktiviere das Plugin und gehe zur Admin-Seite von GDPR Tools



Aktiviere das Plugin und gehe zur Admin-Seite von GDPR Tools

How saving settings does work for non-logged in users?

When user isn’t logged in and saves either cookie consent or services settings it is stored for current browser session. Information is stored for 30 days by default(you can adjust this period in admin settings). After this period user will be asked to accept consent again and setup his preferences. If user logs-in, this information will be stored in his profile.

What data will be deleted from DB during „forget“ process?

All general personal data from „wp_users“ and „wp_users_meta“ tables, except user ID (record should keep since we don’t want to broke entire site functionality). Login and email will be renamed.


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