Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Dies verbergen


Dies verbergen provides a [hide] shortcode that lets you hide some parts of the content from your posts and pages. You can easily manage inclusions and exclusions for hidden content in three levels: absolute, groups and capabilities, and specific user.

Maybe some part of your post should not be published yet? Or maybe you want to show some specific parts of your content to a certain group or users, let’s say your logged in users or your clients? This plugin may be the solution you need.

It’s very important to note that the content wrapped within the shortcode won’t even be printed as HTML. It will be really, really hidden. There are a lot of great plugins that hide the content via CSS and Javascript, but this is not the case. If you want your content to not be visible, but still printed as HTML, you should try one of those.

Basic usage:

[hide]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

This example will hide that content for all the site visitors. But you can be more specific by using attributes.

Accepted attributes:

  • for: (optional) your rules to hide content. You can use absolute rules (all, none, [!]logged), rules by roles and capabilities ([!]{role}, [!]{role}:[!]{capability}, :[!]{capability}), and rules by specific user (userid:[!]{ID}, useremail:[!]{email}, username:[!]{username}).
  • exclude: (optional) your rules to show the hidden content to some specific visitor/s. As in for, you can use absolute rules (all, none, [!]logged), rules by roles and capabilities ([!]{role}, [!]{role}:[!]{capability}, :[!]{capability}), and rules by specific user (userid:[!]{ID}, useremail:[!]{email}, username:[!]{username}).
  • test: (optional) for debugging purposes. The kind of output you expect. Accepts content and empty. Use it wisely, because it prints a message with the result of the test.

Some useful examples:

Hide your content to all visitors:

[hide]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content to all visitors, except for a specific user:

[hide for="all" exclude="username:foo"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content to all non-logged visitors:

[hide for="!logged"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content to all logged in visitors:

[hide for="logged"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content to all logged in visitors, except for a specific user:

[hide for="logged" exclude="username:foo"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for some specific role:

[hide for="contributor"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for two specific roles:

[hide for="editor, contributor"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for all visitors except for a specific role:

[hide for="!administrator"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]
[hide for="all" exclude="administrator"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for all visitors except for two specific roles:

[hide for="!administrator, !editor"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]
[hide for="all" exclude="administrator, editor"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for users with a specific role and a specific capability:

[hide for="some_role:do_a_barrel_roll"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for users with a specific role, not having a specific capability:

[hide for="some_role:!do_a_barrel_roll"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for users with a specific capability:

[hide for=":do_a_barrel_roll"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for a specific user by user name:

[hide for="username:foo"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for a specific user by user ID:

[hide for="userid:42"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for a specific user by user email:

[hide for="useremail:foo@mail.com"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

Hide your content for everyone except for a specific user by user name:

[hide for="username:!foo"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/hide]

You should get the idea by now. Notice how you can use ! to deny values such as login status, roles, capabilities and user values.


This plugin offers hooks for filters, so you can modify its functionality or add your own.

  • hide_this_attributes: Modify the attributes that the shortcode receives.
  • hide_this_content: Modify the full content that the shortcode prints.
  • hide_this_hide_rules: Modify rules for hiding content.
  • hide_this_show_rules: Modify rules for showing content.

Etwas beitragen

Du kannst Vorschläge und eigene Modifikationen zum Plugin auf GitHub. einsenden.


  1. Entpacke hide-this.zip und lade den Ordner hide-this in dein Verzeichnis /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin über das Menü „Plugins“ in WordPress.
  3. Beginne, den [hide]-Shortcode zu benutzen, um den gewünschten Inhalt zu verbergen.


  1. Entpacke hide-this.zip und lade den Ordner hide-this in dein Verzeichnis /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin über das Menü „Plugins“ in WordPress.
  3. Beginne, den [hide]-Shortcode zu benutzen, um den gewünschten Inhalt zu verbergen.


29. Juli 2019
I’ve been using this for a couple of years, now on a number of sites. And, it works fine in Wordpress 5. In fact, I’m currently using it on a site I’m developing in Wordpress 5.2.2 using the OceanWP template and Elementor page builder. At first, I used Hide This, but then switched to another solution because I thought HT to be a bit limited for certain options. One specific problem I was having with HT was trying to get the ! (not) operator to function as expected. I later came back to HT because I considered it to be „less bad“ than the other soution I had begun using. However, once I really got into HT (again) I discovered the „for all“ (with exceptions) option. Now, I use the following syntax for everything: [hide for=“all“ exclude=(my list of exceptions, that is, the list of roles I WANT to be able to view the content)]. Now, THAT is powerful yet extremely flexible. This thing meets ALL my needs. Don’t be afraid to give it a try…I think you’ll be glad you did.
23. März 2019
Straightforward. If you ever need to hide some page contents, this is for you. I use it often when I play with different ways of displaying information. No need to delete the original version, just hide it while working on new approaches.
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  • Fix: A bug was causing contents always showing for all users when applying negations to roles.


  • Fix: Multiple role assignation wasn’t working in some scenarios.


  • Improvement: Parsing shortcodes into [hide] and [hidethis].


  • Object oriented code.
  • New filter hooks.


First release!