Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

HTTPS Domain Alias


This plugin is useful e.g. if you have a wildcard SSL/TLS certificate for server but not for each site.

If the site is normally at say http://example.org/ and you want to have the admin area https protected, but you don’t have a SSL/TLS certificate so that https://example.org/ would work, you can define another domain for secure connections.

For example instead of https://example.org/wp-login.php or https://example.org/wp-admin/ the user is redirected to https://example.seravo.com/wp-login.php or https://example.seravo.com/wp-admin/.

This plugin works with both normal WordPress installations and WordPress Network installation and is compatible with the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin.

The code is optimized to be fast and does not for example do any database lookups or use cookies.

This plugin is made by Seravo Oy, which specializes in open source support services and among others is the only company in Finland to provide WordPress Premium Hosting.

Source available at https://github.com/Seravo/wp-https-domain-alias


  1. Upload plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin im Menü ‚Plugins‘ im WordPress Backend.
  3. Make sure the wp-config.php defines the needed constants.


define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
define('HTTPS_DOMAIN_ALIAS', 'example.org');

The plugin scenario assumes the site domain is example.com but there is no https certificate for it. Instead there is a https certificate for example.org, which has been defined as the HTTPS_DOMAIN_ALIAS.

In a WordPress Network installation the HTTPS_DOMAIN_ALIAS can be defined as *.example.org and then <domain.tld> will be redirected to .example.org. This plugin is designed to be compatible with
the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin.

Possible values of $location when calling this function

  • http://example.com
  • https://example.com <- the case where https fails and we want to avoid
  • http://example.example.org
  • https://example.example.org <- the case where https works


Does this work for WordPress Network?

Yes, since version 0.4.

Where is the UI?

This plugin has no visible UI, the magic happens automatically if the plugin is active.

What does FORCE_SSL_ADMIN do?

See https://codex.wordpress.org/Administration_Over_SSL

Note that defining FORCE_SSL_LOGIN is not needed.


7. April 2020
Crude and simple, but works well. Not that relevant to day as Let’s Encrypt and Certbot came along though.
Alle 5 Rezensionen lesen

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Note that complete commit log is available at https://github.com/Seravo/wp-https-domain-alias/commits/master


Bugfix: Only convert non-relative links to their root relative form


Don’t try to rewrite relative urls


  • Fix Polylang compatibility
  • The edit.php permalink now displays the real domain, instead of alias


Added tests


  • Wildcard domain aliases are now handled differently
    http://www.nonsecure.com -> https://nonsecure.secure.com
    http://site.nonsecure.com -> https://site-nonsecure.secure.com
    as opposed to previous behaviours
    http://www.nonsecure.com -> https://www.secure.com
    http://site.nonsecure.com -> https://site.secure.com
  • Minor refactoring to the code
  • Bugfixes


  • Fix missing script from source files


  • Includes automatic relative URLS in the front end


  • Adds rewrite capabilities for all domains in multisite


  • Mature enough for official 1.0 release


  • All OK!


  • Fix home_url infinite loop and thus enable rewrites for it too


  • Added debug wrapper and made sure this plugin is load first of all plugins.


  • Bugfixes for preview mode and non-admin https pages.


  • Updated readme.txt


  • Enhanced to also support WordPress Network installations.
  • Refactored code to be robust in all known situations.


  • Merged pull request on http preview


  • Improved readme.txt. Log error if the needed constants don’t exist.


  • Erstveröffentlichung