Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Modern Comparison Slider


A modern, easy-to-use comparison slider. Compare before and after images, for grading, CGI and other retouching comparisons. Easily convert two images into a comparison slider to show your work, whether it’s photo grading, CGI, or any other kind of retouching.

Using an intuitive tag that wraps two images, there is no other work that needs to be done to get your comparison sliders working.

  • Two modern theme options
  • Great customization including start on hover, and starting point
  • Mobile friendly
  • Lightweight
  • Easy-to-use!

All example photos by Dane Wetton.


  • Theme: Standard
  • Theme: Circle
  • An example of using the tags
  • An example of using the tag options
  • Global settings for all sliders


You can search Modern Comparsion Slider right in your WordPress plugins section, alternatively you can download and install the plugin:

  1. Upload modern-comparison-slider to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Wrap two images of the same size with the [compare] tag


How do I use this plugin?

Place two images of the same size one after another in the editor (tip: If you’re using the new editor, make sure your block that holds these two images is set to ‚Classic‘)

Wrap these two images with the [compare] [/compare] tag. That’s all it needs to get working!

How can I style the look and feel?

There is a settings page found at Settings > Modern Compare Slider that will affect all sliders on the website. However, you can override a look and feel of any particular slider by using these options:

To disable the drop shadow on the controls

[compare shadow="false"]

To change the color of the controls

[compare color="#4299e1"]

To change the theme

[compare theme="standard"]
[compare theme="circle"]

To change the starting point, where the value is the percentage to show the before image initially.

[compare startingpoint="75"]

To start the slider on hover

[compare hoverstart="true"]

To disable smoothing

[compare smoothing="false"]

To adjust the smoothing amount, where the higher the value, the more dampening you feel

[compare smoothingamount="250"]

You can add multiple options to a slider like so

[compare smoothing="false" color="#4299e1" theme="circle"]


1. Mai 2020 1 Antwort
This plugin is ultra-simple to implement. The default look is aesthetically pleasing. I like that clicking anywhere in the photo will reposition the slider to that point. Performance and responsiveness are excellent, but strangely only if the smoothing feature is disabled (smoothing=“false“). One gripe is that there’s doesn’t appear to be any option to switch the slider from vertical to horizontal (v1.0.2).
Alle 1 Rezension lesen

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  • Better mobile support (disables scrolling on interaction)
  • Interaction persists when user leaves the scroller while mouse is down


  • Accounts for WordPress automatically nesting images inside paragraph elements


  • Initial version, stable and ready to go!