

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 27. Juli 2023 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 3 Blöcke.

  • Multi Rating
  • Multi Rating
  • Multi Rating


8. Mai 2023
No, this is not a support issue, this is information for others: this plugin has a long list of vulnerabilities, that are not adressed by the devoloper. The plugin has not been updated for WP 6.2. I personally don’t care, as I am now going to remove this plugin from several sites. Would not recommend it.
19. Januar 2021
Perfectly working and very flexible with all the possibilities thanks to a multitude of shortcodes. Custom template files are possibles. Very good. I recommend !
3. März 2020
I spend a lot of time to figure out how it works, but without success. it is NOT clear at all how to use the templates.
Alle 63 Rezensionen lesen

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