Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 27. Juli 2023 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
Dieses Plugin unterstützt 3 Blöcke.
- Multi Rating
- Multi Rating
- Multi Rating
8. Mai 2023
No, this is not a support issue, this is information for others: this plugin has a long list of vulnerabilities, that are not adressed by the devoloper. The plugin has not been updated for WP 6.2. I personally don’t care, as I am now going to remove this plugin from several sites. Would not recommend it.
19. Januar 2022
Waste of time configuring it to uninstall few seconds later.
19. Januar 2021
Perfectly working and very flexible with all the possibilities thanks to a multitude of shortcodes. Custom template files are possibles. Very good. I recommend !
3. März 2020
I spend a lot of time to figure out how it works, but without success. it is NOT clear at all how to use the templates.
28. Februar 2020
thank you! 🙂
23. November 2019
It’s nice
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