Newsletter ist ein echtes Newsletter- und E-Mail-Marketing System für Dein WordPress-Projekt: Perfekt, um Abonnenten-Listen zu erstellen, E-Mails einfach zu senden und zu verfolgen. Es funktioniert direkt nach der Installation!
Abonnenten gewinnen und Liste vergrößern
- Unbegrenzte Abonnenten
- Abonnementformulare: Pop-up, Im Beitrag, Widget, Shortcodes (einfach und fortgeschritten), Raw HTML (für Programmierer)
- Double Opt-in, Datenschutz-Checkbox und DSGVO-konform
- Listen: organisiere, klassifiziere und segmentiere deine Abonnenten
- Individuelle Felder: Wenn der Name nicht ausreicht
- Wartung: Importieren, exportieren, zwischen Listen verschieben, inaktive Abonnenten löschen, …
- Detaillierte Statistiken
- WordPress-Benutzerregistrierung (mit kostenlosem Add-on)
- Spam-Check bei Anmeldungen mit Domain/IP Backlists, Akismet, captcha, …
Erstellen und Versenden von Newslettern
- Unbegrenzte Newsletter mit Klick- und Öffnungs-Tracking
- Drag-and-drop-Composer und vollständig responsive E-Mails
- Newsletter-Templates, um deinen Stil schnell festzulegen und für jede Marketingkampagne wiederzuverwenden
- Ein-Klick-Austragen vollständig kompatibel (von Google und Yahoo vorgeschrieben)
- Auslieferungs-Geschwindigkeit Detail-Kontrolle (von 12 E-Mails pro Stunde bis zur maximalen Kapazität deines Servers)
- Erweitertes Targeting mit Listenkombinationen (alles enthalten, mindestens eins, nicht enthalten, …), individuelle Feldern und Sprachfiltern
Allgemeine Funktionen
- Mehrsprachfähig: Polylang, WPML, TranslatePress
- Alles anpassbar: Formulare, Beschriftungen, Nachrichten, E-Mails und so weiter
- Kompatibel mit jedem SMTP Plugin: Post SMTP, WP Mail SMTP, Easy WP SMTP, Easy SMTP Mail, WP Mail Bank, Fluent SMTP, …
- Diagnoseseiten, um die volle Kontrolle zu haben
- REST-API für Programmierung und Integrationen
Bleibe informiert
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Kostenlose Addons
Erweitere das Newsletter Plugin mit diesen kostenlosen AddOns:
- WP Registrierung Addon – verbindet die WordPress-Standard- und benutzerdefinierte Registrierung mit dem Newsletter-Plugin-Abonnement. Importiert optional alle registrierten Benutzer als Abonnentinnen/Abonnenten.
- Archiv Addon – erstellt eine einfache Seite, auf der alle versendeten Newsletter angezeigt werden
- Locked Content Addon – der Premium-Content kann nur mit einem Newsletter-Abonnement angesehen werden.
- Newsletter REST API – fügt eine Ebene der REST-API zur Integration in die Newsletter-Kerndienste hinzu
- Sendinblue Addon – sende deine Newsletter mit Sendinblue
- SMTP Addon – sende deine Newsletter mit externem SMTP
- Import Addon – importiere Kontakte aus einer Datei oder kopiere Daten und füge sie mit vollständiger Zuordnung ein
(füge diese ganz einfach über Dein Addons Panel hinzu)
Addons auf
- RSS Composer Block – (3rd party) Ein Composer-Block, der seinen Inhalt aus einem RSS-Feed generiert
- Popup Maker Integration – (3rd party) Integration von Newsletter Formularen in das Popup Maker Plugin
- BuddyPress Integration – Anmeldung Opt-in innerhalb des BuddyPress Registrierungsformulars
- WP User Manager Addon für Newsletter – fügt die Anmelde-Option zu Registrierungsformularen hinzu
Professionelle Addons
Mehr Power? Fehlt etwas? Die Funktionen des Newsletter Plugins können mittels unserer professionellen Premium-Addons mühelos erweitert werden! Hier stellen wir einige davon vor:
- „Reports“ verbessert das interne Statistikerfassungssystem und bietet bessere Berichte über die für jede gesendete E-Mail erfassten Daten. Und Retargeting. Sauber.
- „Automatisiert“: generiert und versendet Newsletter mit den letzten Beiträgen deiner Website, auch benutzerdefinierten Beiträgen wie Veranstaltungen oder Produkte. Einfach hinsetzen und zuschauen!
- Autoresponder – erstellt Email-Serien, mit denen du deine Abonnent/innen betreuen kannst
- Extended Composer Blocks – fügt neue Blöcke zum Drag-and-drop-Composer hinzu
- WooCommerce Integration: Hinzufügen von Kunden zur Mailingliste und Erstellen von Produkt-Newslettern.
- Leads fügt ein Anmelde-Pop-up oder einen fixen Balken zu deiner Website hinzu, mit denen du deine Konversions-Rate verbessern wirst.
- Amazon SES und Integration anderer Mail-Provider – nahtlose Integration Amazon SES und andere Emial-Service Anbieter mit The Newsletter Plugin. Stressfrei.
- Contact Form 7 Integration – integriere die Newsletter-Anmeldung in Contact Form 7 – Formularen
- Ninja Forms Integration – integriere die Newsletter-Anmeldung in Ninja Forms
- WP Forms Integration – integriere die Newsletter-Anmeldung in WP Forms
- Integration Events Manager und The Events Calendar (By Modern Tribe) – füge ganz einfach Events zu deinen Newslettern hinzu
- Google Analytics – verfolge Newsletter Links mit Google UTM Tracking Parametern
- Abonnieren beim Kommentieren – fügt eine Option zur Newsletter-Anmeldung zum Kommentarformular hinzu
- Geolocation – fügt Geolocation hinzu, um Abonnent/innen nach Standort auszuwählen
- Integration der Plugins „Ultimate Member“ und „Paid Membership Pro“.
Das Newsletter-Plugin stellt alle technischen Tools zur Verfügung, die zur Einhaltung der DSGVO erforderlich sind. Wir arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, diese zu verbessern und Unterstützung auch für spezifische Anwendungsfälle zu bieten.
Das Plugin erfasst keine eigenen Abonnentendaten der Nutzer und hat auch keinen Zugriff auf diese Daten. Daher sind wir kein Datenverarbeiter und daher ist keine Datenverarbeitungsvereinbarung erforderlich.
Wenn Du das Plugin jedoch für die Nutzung externer Dienste konfigurierst (normalerweise einen externen E-Mail-Zustelldienst), solltest Du dich bei diesem Dienst erkundigen, ob eine Vereinbarung erforderlich ist.
Wir bieten Unterstützung für unser Plugin im Forum und in unserem offiziellen Forum.
Premium User mit einer aktiven Lizenz haben Zugang zu direktem Support über unser Ticket System.
Wir haben einen Dokumentationsabschnitt für diejenigen eingerichtet, die mit Newsletter entwickeln möchten.
Du findest uns auf GitHub mit einigen Beispielen für Add-Ons.
Folge uns
- Unsere offizielle Website –
- GitHub –
- LinkedIn –
- Unsere Facebook Seite –
- Unser Twitter Account –
Dieses Plugin unterstützt 1 Block.
- Newsletter subscription form
Gehe zum Newsletter Forum um Hilfe zu finden.
Für Dokumentation informiere Dich in der Newsletter Dokumentation.
Vielen Dank, Dein Newsletter-Team
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Newsletter – Sende tolle E-Mails mit WordPress“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„Newsletter – Sende tolle E-Mails mit WordPress“ wurde in 22 Sprachen übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
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- Revamped Help/System page
- Added notes on the delivery speed settings for low values
- Added per list confirm/unconfirm actions
- Added Amazon, Mastodon, Bluesky and Kickstarter social icons
- Fixed the profile form saving when using the profile field shortcode
- Re-introduced the export with the shortcode „newsletter_export_button“ (see the Profile Page)
- Fixed bug when multilanguage is turned off but still using per language configurations
- Fixed CSS of the unsubscribe button
- Fixed wrong notice for admin about no lists defined on forms
- Fixed single button list change URL
- Changed the main stats page
- Kleine Fixes und Verbesserungen
- WP 6.7 check
- Fixed underlined header title
- Fix for WPML continued
- Fixed dashboard steps (not updating)
- Added subscriber events generated by external delivery services (bounced, complained, …)
- Fixed public redirections with WPML landing on the wrong language when the URL mode is set to add the lang parameter (seems something new)
- Added fix to the upgrade procedure for invalid values already present on the wp_options table
- Added language column on subscriber list
- Fixed footer block loosing the settings
- Added filter to support TranslatePress public page translation
- Removed the full layout option on the footer block
- Added „mobile“ padding to the composer global settings for mobile devices useful for boxed layouts
- NOTE: „mobile“ padding works on Outlook and Gmail apps on Android, it could not work on other devices
- NOTE: „mobile“ padding does not work on Thunderbird desktop app when resized to simulate a mobile device (known behavior)
- Added role „presentation“ to tables for screen readers
- Improved the media cropping when low res images are used
- Changed the simple popup action url
- Fixed on/off date on posts block
- Fixed image link on image block
- Fixed comments for IE appearing on newsletters
- Added styles support to header and footer blocks
- Added accordion on some block for easy configuration
- Added support for block layouts
- Added support for block default config on external file
- Added some new (not completely) email safe font
- Added 2 new set of social icons (white and black pure logos)
- New newsletter footer block layout
- Added full wide block background
- Fixed fatal error triggered by some addons using the internal logger
- Added logging for WP cron
- WP 6.6.2 check
- Added notes to lists panel
- Changed flood check on subscription via thrid party forms
- Improved the check for public page on multilanguage sites
- Extended the number of pages listed on the Newsletter’s main settings
- Changed „save_email“ to return a WP_Error (when there are severe DB errors)
- webp converted to png to preserve the transparency
- Fixed labels on list management page
- Added link to license badge
- Added warning if the delivery engine has been paused using WP Crontrol
- Revisited the Help/Delivery
- Added check on XML DOM code (library bug?)
- Fixed admin message about invalid custom field
- Fixed import/export menu entry
- Fixed the welcome email when sent from the admin side
- More control on repeated subscriptions
- Added admin wide message when newsletter have been bklocked by fatal errors
- Changed license top menu button
- Removed license badge
- Fixed redirection to welcome page
- WP 6.6 check
- Improved error detection on test email
- Added newsletter id on action urls
- Fixed minor problem with for hidden data
- Added the Threads social
- Added support for autoresponders in form builder integrations
- Removed the cookie check on antibot since some site has a cookie filter making it to fail (!)
- Code review
- Added evidence of newsletters with errors on Help/Delivery page
- Improved code
- Improved some help texts
- WP 6.5.5 check
- Fixed check on forms panel
- Changed the unsubscription antibot to prevent problem caused by JS lazy loading
- Review the widget code to be compiant with phpcs WordPress rules
- Code review
- Added alternative action links and tracking links format (on Newsletter’s main settings) to solve problems with caches
- Improved the relinking code performances
- Added class for addons‘ admin pages
- Added shortcode for build custom profile page (to be documented)
- Fixed the activation email on multilanguage installations
- Added topbar sending stats
- Added more information on the delivery panel*
- Added „wire“ preset to the button block
- Fix saving error for mysql configured to not treat as null the 0 valued primary key
- Important review of the subscription process with trusted and untrusted subscriptions
- Improved notes on WP page list about the pages used as public page and for which language
- Fixed redirect of the „activation required“ message on multilanguage blogs
- Added note on page list for custom profile page
- Added note on page list for custom welcome page
- Added check on get_news() to manager firewall response body corruption
- Refresh the newsletter total subscriber count to take in account of new subscription and cancellation during a long sending process
- Fixed license badge color
- Refactoring of the subscription/subscriber internal status
- Added check on WP HTML Email plugin
- Filter „newsletter_message_headers“ is now deprecated and will be removed shortly (use „newsletter_message“ instead)
- Filter „newsletter_message_html“ is now deprecated and will be removed shortly (use „newsletter_message“ instead)
- Filter „newsletter_message_text“ is now deprecated and will be removed shortly (use „newsletter_message“ instead)
- Filter „newsletter_message_subject“ is now deprecated and will be removed shortly (use „newsletter_message“ instead)
- Distinct replacement of tags for email and web
- Fixed problem on table creation on first install
- Fixed error on the dashboard (PHP variable conflict with some themes)
- Added notice for public pages for all languages
- Fixed problem with multilanguage plugins
- Edit link for administrator on subscription form now adds the current language on link
- Added online profile page edit link for administrators
- Fixed „date“ tag when sending a test
- Added note on custom CSS field
- Fixed dashboard error
- Fixed redirect to welcome page for multilanguage blogs
- Improved security
- Enfernt: nicht mehr benötigter Code
- Two steps unsubscription now mandatory (old links continue to work)
- Fixed the page or url selector for the welcome page
- Fixed internal delivery engine stats (not the subscriber or newsletter stats!)
- Export feature moved to the Import/Export addon for improvements
- Avoid the first batch immediate sending if there are other newsletters already sending
- XSS security fix (thanks to Wordfence)
- Internal management of untrusted subscribers (for privacy reasons, could cause different subscription behaviors)
- New button on lists page to add every subscriber to a list
- New help texts
- Prefixed Spectrum library CSS to avoid problem with other plugins injeting their code on our admin pages!
- New check on cURL and openssl versions
- Fixed date tag for online view
- Changes to support ElasticEmail special unsubscribe link
- Fixed use of the NEWSLETTER_ACTION_TYPE constant
- Changed link validation for custom activation and welcome pages
- WP 6.5.3 check
- Added reverse option to the posts block
- Fixed title alignment for the posts block (when used with Automated)
- Fixed debug notices on composer and posts block
- Added max emails per second
- Fixed missing SVG referenced by CSS
- Added email series view on subscriber’s edit page
- Einige Debug-Hinweise wurden behoben
- Fixed layout of the main stats page
- Fixed time on user list (timezone)
- Added main title for posts block when used with Automated
- Reviewed dashboard
- WP 6.5.2 check
- Added border to newsletter buttons
- Added 1/3 layout to „Hero“ block (we should rename it…)
- Added date and optimized the subscribers‘ list
- Fixed problem on custom fields panel
- WP 6.5.0 check
- Fixed warning in the statistics module
- Fixed PHP 8.2 notice
- Fixed error on subscription of existings subscriber when configured to now be allowed
- Added filters on posts block to try to be compatible with multiauthors plugin
- Fixed warning on profile page
- Added avif image conversion
- Improved check on opcache PHP module
- Removed the microdata on email for the confirmation link
- Added author filter on „posts“ block
- Fixed the custom welcome email on multilanguage installations
- Added last activity time on the subscriber export
- Fixed wrong 8.2.2 package
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Per language selector of the public page
- [FIX] Fixed the antispam log
- [NEW] Improved logging
- [FIX] Fixed welcome page redirection for custom welcome URLs and Polylang
- [NEW] Added a page selector for the welcome page (the direct URL is still an option)
- [NEW] Added a page selector for the profile page (the direct URL is still an option)
- [NEW] Improved profile page on multilanguage installations
- [NEW] Check for the Newsletter’s public page on multilanguage installations
- [NEW] Added WP User matching by email
- Removed the antispam IP blacklist since it is not really effective considering the wide use of VPNs, IP forgering, and so on
- We recommend to use a security plugin or a firewall to block unwanted traffic from specific IPs
- New unsubscribe button shortcode (see the unsubscription panel)
- New resubscribe button shortcode (see the unsubscription panel)
- New default unsubscribe confirm message
- Autoset of the alternative text for medias on image block
- Added messages and link on online tests
- Added the dummy subscriber to test the functionalities
- Immediate trigger of the first batch when sending a newsletter
- Added preview of the profile page with dummy subscriber
- Added preview of the unsubscription process with dummy subscriber
- Fixed date formatting on newsletters
- Reactivated the convert to HTML button
- Added logging support to the antispam filter
- Improved the spam filter error reporting
- New submit button attributes for all form shortcodes (see our documentation)
- New „fields“ attribute for the newsletter_form shortcode (see our documentation)
- Fixed welcome email lost on saving the subscription options
- Fixed welcome email lost on saving the subscription options
- Revert back the antibot method for unsubscription
- Added recommendations for the two step sunsubscribe
- Reorganized Delivery and Scheduler panels to be more readable
- Fixed error on old default theme
- Clean up of old backups
- Fixed translations tags on subscribers‘ statistics panel
- Updated min WP version to 5.1
- Fixed wrong menu labels
- Added translations to antispam messages
- Removed the token change on unsubscription
- Fixed the captcha submit button
- The error message for duplicated subscriptions is now shown on the public page
- Fixed subscription form extra DIV
- Added better tracking of unsubscription via One-Click Unsubscribe RFC 8058
- Fixed wrong helper text on profile page
- Added font size and face to the editor for specific settings
- Fixed one-click unsubscribe for Yahoo
- Added form field placeholders
- Added option to hide the field labels to the form shortcode
- Improved the bot blocking step
- Refactored addon class code
- Added hid labels option on widget
- Improved the System panel
- Fixed unsubscription email in multilanguage setups
- Fixed user saving
- Improved logging
- Removed shortcode option (default on)
- Simplified the newsletter editing panel
- Change the one click unsubscribe header to improve bot blocking
- Changed the delivery engine locks since the WP transients seem not enough reliable
- Changed the Hero Block to be compatible with Outlook on Mac
- Added „in posts“ forms
- Added popup form
- Added forms overview panel
- Added third-party templates support
- Fixed the opt-in on multilanguage installations
- Fixed subject saving on standard welcome email
- Fixes for multilanguage installations
- Fixed single opt-in on repeated subscription
- New configuration of the unsubscribe process
- New configuration of the welcome email
- On „Footer“ block the unsubscribe mode can be selected (single or double step)
- Minor fixes
- Removed the PHPMailer signature to reduce the spam rate
- Security fix on wizard
- Fixed error on antibot filter
- New welcome email that can be designed with the composer
- New control for lists selection
- Fixed Event preset name
- Fixed dashboard links
- Added dashboard sources
- Added target „blank“ for social icons
- Subscriber custom fields in edit panel shown as select when they are a list of values
- Added constant NEWSLETTER_TRACKING_TYPE to change the tracking URL
- Added constant NEWSLETTER_ACTION_TYPE to change the action URL
- Added private posts filter
- Fix paragraph margins
- Added injection hooks on the composer for AI Assistant
- Fixed PHP warning
- Compatibility check with WP 6.4.1
- Fixed border around image block with no padding
- Possible BREAKING CHANGE – Featured image for Posts block does not search the post gallery anymore
- Constant NEWSLETTER_USE_POST_GALLERY can be set to true to search the featured image on post gallery
- Fixed a couple of warning with the „minimal“ form
- Added support for „button“ attribute on „newsletter_form“ shortcode
- Added align attribute to the newsletter form shortcode minimal version
- Clean up of the subscriber meta data table on deletion
- Added flow representation of the subscription process in the dashboard
- Added paragraph bottom margin on text block (in a different way)
- Fixed missing icons for WhatsApp
- Added the „show_name“ option to the form type „minimal“
- Added styles for the minimal form mobile view
- Forced 0 margins for P tag to make uniform the rendering on Outlook and other clients
- Removed default font on text bock
- Improvements to the posts block (links and code refactoring)
- Removed TD attribute for padding problem with Outlook
- Added WhatsApp icon
- Removed caching on custom fields: it seems incompatible with multilanguage plugins
- Fixed the custom welcome email for repeated subscriptions
- Added check for WP Assets Clean Up Pro (please do not deactivate Newsletter on frontend!)
- notice for the removal of the „unstyled“ page
- Reviewed how the [newsletter] shortcode works
- Fixed multilanguage bug when using shortcodes and placeholder to inject forms (subscription and profile editing)