Penny Black allows you to create personalised prints for you customers to elevate your customer experience and take advantage of the unboxing moment.
Create visual campaigns, segment your customers and use your personalised prints for engagement, retention and upsell. Then use our analytics platform to track the performance of QR code scans and see your ROI.
The Woocommerce plugin integrates your store with Penny Black to transmit order information at the point that orders are placed. This information is used to segment customers and generate the right PDF for them.
In addition to transmission you can use the Woocommerce orders admin to trigger prints. Penny Black inserts are usually printed at the point of pack in your fulfilment, and if you handle your own packing then you can trigger your prints directly through the Woocommerce admin
The plugin requires a Penny Black account to send orders and trigger prints. Find out more at
Once installed, use the Penny Black tab on the Woocommerce settings page to configure the plugin for use.
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