Beschreibung ( is a simple service that makes updating your social networks a snap. You can use AIM, GTalk, iGoogle, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, WAP, iPhone/iPod Touch, SMS or E-mail to let relay your message to a multitude of social networking sites. This plugin lets you use to add your status to your WordPress Blog’s sidebar via’s „Custom URL“ integration.
- Extract archive
- Upload entire ‚pingfm-status‘ directory to ‚wordpress/wp-content/plugins‘
— do not remove files from directory, upload the directory with all files in it - At create a Custom URL to update the following address:
‚http://url-to-your-wordpress-installation/wp-content/plugins/pingfm-status/pingfm-post.php‘ - Enable the plugin in your WordPress admin section
- Add pingfm widget to your sidebar, set the Title
If you notice that the timezone is incorrect on the timestamps that appear in your updates,
you can change it in ‚/wp-content/plugins/pingfm-status/pingfm-post.php‘. I have included
some notes in that file.
Please send any feedback or questions to
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