Ein WordPress-Plugin, das detaillierte Informationen über aktuell installierte Plugins bereitstellt.
Mit Plugin Report kannst du:
- Plugins aufspüren, die nicht mehr gepflegt werden.
- Einen schnellen Überblick über den Zustand der Plugins auf deiner Website erhalten.
- Provide clients with a detailed report, right from their own dashboard, or as CSV spreadsheet.
- Plugins finden, die in Multisite-Installationen nicht mehr aktiv sind.
Special thanks go to Tristen Forsythe Brown for the tablesort JavaScript library licensed under the MIT License.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Plugin Report“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„Plugin Report“ wurde in 9 Sprachen übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
Übersetze „Plugin Report“ in deine Sprache.
Interessiert an der Entwicklung?
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2.1.1 (2022-06-17)
- Improved behavior of the repository column on older WordPress versions (thanks, @zodiac1978)
2.1 (2022-05-28)
- Added detection for plugins that have been closed in the repository
2.0.2 (2022-02-12)
- weitere PHP-Warnungen behoben
2.0.1 (2022-02-03)
- Fixed PHP warnings caused by an undefined variable
2.0.0 (2021-12-17)
- Added a new column to display repository information and detect possible supply chain issues
- Tablesort updated to the latest version
1.9.3 (2021-11-26)
- Fixed an issue where the exported CSV filename contained the wrong month (thanks, @zodiac1978)
1.9.2 (2021-10-03)
- Skip the API call if the plugin’s Update URI is set (thanks, @zodiac1978)
- Tested with WP 5.8
1.9.1 (2021-05-02)
- Fixed a minor issues that could cause problems with the plugin’s translations
1.9 (2021-05-02)
- Display translated plugin info when available (thanks, @zodiac1978)
- Fixed default sorting of plugins to match WP’s plugins screen (thanks, @zodiac1978)
1.8.3 (2021-03-19)
- Fixed an issue where plugin auto-updates were not displayed correctly
1.8.2 (2020-12-16)
- Coding standards and i18n improvements (thanks @pedromendonca)
- Tested with WordPress 5.6
- Updated tablesort to version 5.2.1
1.8.1 (2020-10-28)
- Modified the way WP version numbers are compared to fix issues with non-repo plugins and non-standard version numbering
1.8 (2020-08-17)
- Fixed a jQuery issue causing errors in WP 5.5
- Added column to display whether a plugin is set to auto-update
1.7 (2020-04-03)
- Adds column sorting (props @zodiac1978)
- Replaces the Excel export with a more robust CSV export function
- Uses HTML’s progress element for the progress bar
1.6.1 (2020-03-21)
- Fixed an issue with version comparisons and beta/RC versions (thanks @zodiac1978)
- Coding standards improvements (thanks @zodiac1978)
- The plugin can now only be network-activated on multisite
- Tested against WordPress 5.4
1.6 (2020-03-14)
- Further i18n improvements (thanks @pedromendonca)
- Minor version differences no longer shown as „medium“ risk
- When a plugin upgrade requires platform upgrades, this is now shown (suggested by @zodiac1978)
- Improved the way CSS and javascript files are enqueued
1.5 (2020-02-09)
- The activation column now shows the number of activations on multisite
- I18n improvements (thanks @pedromendonca!)
1.4 (2020-01-17)
- Adds an .xls export function (experimental)
- Adds an „activated“ column to the report table
1.3 (2019-11-29)
- Better table styles, including cell background colors
- Improved error messages
- Cached information is now automatically refreshed when a plugin is updated through wp-admin
1.2 (2019-11-26)
- Removed the „compatibility“ column (data no longer provided by API)
- Fixed an issue with long plugin slugs causing invalide transient keys
- Fixed an issue where version number colors were inconsistent
1.1 (2019-11-23)
- Code cleanup
- Adds proper multisite support
- Accessibility and internationalisation improvements
1.0 (2017-01-17)
- Initial version