Pods – Custom Content Types and Fields


Verwalte mit dem Pods-Framework deinen gesamten Bedarf für individuelle Inhalte an einem Ort.

  • Erstelle Inhaltstarten inklusive individuellen Inhaltstypen, individuellen Taxonomien und unseren speziellen erweiterten Inhaltsarten (erweiterte Inhaltsarten erhalten ihre eigenen individuellen Tabellen)
  • Erweitern und Anpassen von Inhaltsarten einschließlich Beiträgen, Seiten, Kategorien, Schlagwörtern, Benutzern und Medien mit einem einfachen Klick
  • Erstelle individuelle Einstellungsseiten einfach in Sekundenschnelle
  • Individuelle Felder zu jeder Inhaltsart hinzufügen
  • Conditionally show fields based on the value of other fields with Conditional Logic
  • Gruppiere deine Felder nach Belieben in eigene Abschnitte und füge zusätzliche Überschriften hinzu, um ihre Organisation zu erleichtern
  • Zeige deine Felder überall mit unseren Blöcken, Shortcodes, Widgets oder den einfach einzurichtenden Pods-Templates mit unserer automatischen Theme-Integration
  • Erstelle Verbindungen zwischen deinen Inhalten mit Beziehungsfeldern, um deine Inhalte zu organisieren

Pods hilft dir, deine Fähigkeiten in der Entwicklung und im Aufbau von Websites zu erweitern, so dass du Inhalte verwalten kannst, die über die standardmäßigen WordPress-Beiträge und -Seiten hinausgehen.

Möchtest du es ausprobieren? Teste Pods in unserer neuen Ein-Klick-Demonstration.

Besuche unsere Dokumentation, unser WordPress-Support-Forum und unseren Live Community Slack Chat um Unterstützung beim Bau deines Traumprojekts mit Pods zu erhalten.


Inhaltsarten, die sich mit deinen Anforderungen weiterentwickeln

Erstelle jede Art von Inhalt, die du willst – klein oder groß – wir haben die Lösung für dich. Jeder mit Pods erstellte Inhaltstyp bekommt die volle Liebe, die es braucht, um groß und stark zu werden. Du bekommst eine einfach zu bedienende Benutzeroberfläche, die es dir ermöglicht, individuelle Felder zu verwalten und die Funktionsweise deines Inhaltstyps zu steuern.

Erstellen von neuen Inhaltstypen

Mit Pods kannst du völlig neue Inhaltsarten und Einstellungsseiten erstellen.

Jeder Feldtyp, KOSTENFREI

Wenn du dich für die Verwendung von Pods für deine individuellen Felder entscheidest, erhältst du jeden Feldtyp, den du benötigst, kostenfrei. Pods funktioniert auch hervorragend mit anderen Plugins für individuelle Felder wie Advanced Custom Fields.

Wir haben eine umfangreiche Sammlung von über 25 verschiedenen Eingabetypen, aus der du mehr als 20 verschiedene Feldtypen für jede Inhaltsstruktur auswählen kannst. Jeder Feldtyp verfügt über eigene zusätzliche Optionen, mit denen du die Eingabe und Anzeige von Inhalten anpassen kannst.

Du kannst auch die Sichtbarkeit nach Rolle/Berechtigung und andere erweiterte Optionen steuern.

  • Wiederholbare Felder: Verwandle fast jedes Feld in ein wiederholbares Feld mit unterschiedlichen Werten
  • Text: Klartext, Website, Telefon, E-Mail, Passwort
  • Absatz: Einfacher Absatztext, WYSIWYG (Visueller Editor), Code (Syntaxhervorhebung)
  • Datum/Uhrzeit: Datum und Uhrzeit, Datum, Uhrzeit
  • Nummern: Einfache Zahlen, Währung (30+ internationale Währungen)
  • Beziehungen/Medien: Datei/Bild/Video (Mediathek und grundlegende Upload-Optionen verfügbar), Avatar (für erweiterte Benutzer), oEmbed, Beziehung (Auswahlmenü, Mehrfachauswahl, Autovervollständigung, Kontrollkästchen, Optionsfelder und Listenansicht verfügbar)
  • Kontrollkästchen (Ja/Nein)
  • Farbwähler
  • Layout Fields: Heading text, HTML content

Verbindungen, um Inhalte zu beherrschen

Mit unserer umfassenden Unterstützung hast du es in der Hand, deine Inhalte mit allem in Verbindung zu bringen.

  • Individuell definierte Listen von Text-Optionen
  • Beziehe dich auf beliebige Inhaltstypen oder Taxonomien Beiträge/Begriffe
  • Beziehe dich auf jedes Benutzer-Profil
  • Beziehe dich auf Benutzerrollen und Berechtigungen
  • Beziehe dich auf jeden Kommentar

Und viele andere Beziehungen sind ebenfalls verfügbar, darunter:

  • Bildgrößen
  • Navigations-Menüs
  • Beziehe dich auf den Inhalt einer beliebigen Datenbank-Tabelle
  • Länder (vorgegeben)
  • US-Staaten (vorgegeben)
  • Kanadische Provinzen (vorgegeben)
  • Kalender – Wochentage (vorgegeben)
  • Kalender – Monate des Jahres (vorgegeben)
  • Und viele mehr!

Optionale Komponenten für noch mehr Möglichkeiten

Du kannst einige unserer mitgelieferten Komponenten aktivieren, um deine WordPress-Website noch weiter zu erweitern:

  • Nur-Typen-Modus – Auf unserer Pods-Einstellungsseite kannst du die Erstellung individueller Felder deaktivieren, um die Leistung zu steigern, wenn du Pods nur für Inhaltsarten verwenden möchtest oder planst, es zusammen mit anderen Plugins für individuelle Felder zu nutzen
  • Pods-Templates – Nutze unsere Template-Engine, um Templates zu erstellen, die an Kunden für eine sorgenfreie Verwaltung weitergegeben werden können
  • Markdown-Syntax – Analysiert Markdown-Syntax für Absatzblöcke/WYSIWYG-Felder
  • Erweiterte Beziehungen – Füge noch mehr Beziehungsobjekte hinzu, einschließlich Datenbanktabellen, Multisite-Netzwerken, Multisite-Websites, Themes, Seiten-Templates (im Theme), Seitenleisten, Inhaltstypen-Objekten und Taxonomie-Objekten
  • Tabellen-Speicherung – Aktiviere die tabellenbasierte Datenbankspeicherung für individuelle Felder für Inhaltstypen, Medien, Benutzer und Kommentare
  • Rollen und Berechtigungen – Erstelle oder bearbeite Rollen für deine Website und passe an, worauf sie Zugriff haben
  • Erweiterte Inhaltsarten – Erstelle vollständig individuelle Inhaltsarten, die ihre eigene Datenbanktabelle haben und außerhalb des normalen WordPress-Kontextes existieren, wodurch Meta-Datenbanktabellen vermieden werden
  • Pods-Seiten – Erstelle individuelle Seiten, die über den URL-Pfad deiner Website mit Wildcard-Unterstützung funktionieren und wähle das Seiten-Template im Theme aus, das du verwenden möchtest – besonders nützlich in Verbindung mit erweiterten Inhaltsarten

Plugins, die mit Pods kompatibel sind

Themes, die mit Pods kompatibel sind

  • Genesis (StudioPress) hat eine direkte Verbindung zu Pods

Erweitere Pods mit kostenfreien Add-ons

Extend Pods with Free Third-party Add-Ons

Pods Pro by SKCDEV Premium-Add-ons

Wie kann ich Pods in meine eigene Sprache übersetzen?

Vielen Dank an die netten Menschen, die uns geholfen haben, das Pods-Plugin in viele weitere Sprachen zu übersetzen.

Unterstütze uns bei der Übersetzung der Pods-Benutzeroberfläche auf der offiziellen Translating WordPress-Plattform.

Wir sind auch über unseren Live Community Slack Chat erreichbar, um unseren Übersetzern den Einstieg zu erleichtern und sie bei der Arbeit zu unterstützen.

Möchtest du Pods und Felder selbst übersetzen? Aktiviere die Komponente „Translate Pods“ unter „Pods Admin“ > «Komponenten“.


Pods wäre ohne die Beiträge unserer Spender und Code/Support-Mitwirkenden nicht da, wo es heute ist.


  • Neue Inhaltstypen erstellen oder bestehende erweitern
  • Füge Feldgruppen hinzu und verwalte deine Inhaltsart
  • Hinzufügen von Feldern verschiedener Typen mit individuellen Optionen für jedes Feld
  • Durch das Erstellen oder Erweitern eines Inhaltstyps werden dem Beitrags-Editor Feldgruppen hinzugefügt
  • Durch das Erstellen oder Erweitern einer Taxonomie werden dem Begriffs-Editor Feldgruppen hinzugefügt
  • Durch die Erweiterung von Benutzern werden Feldgruppen zum Benutzer-Profil und editierbaren Formularen hinzugefügt


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 6 Blöcke.

  • Pods Single Item – List Fields Display fields for a single Pod item.
  • Pods Field Value Display a single Pod item's field value (custom fields).
  • Pods View Include a file from a theme, with caching options
  • Pods Single Item Display a single Pod item.
  • Pods Item List List multiple Pod items.
  • Pods Form Display a form for creating and editing Pod items.


  1. Entpacke den gesamten Inhalt dieser Plugin-Zip-Datei lokal in deinen wp-content/plugins/-Ordner
  2. Lade das Plugin in das Verzeichnis deiner Website hoch
  3. Navigiere zu wp-admin/plugins.php auf deiner Website (deine WordPress-Admin-Plugin-Seite)
  4. Aktiviere dieses Plugin

ODER du kannst es auch einfach in WordPress installieren, indem du auf Plugins >> Installieren >> gehst und den Namen dieses Plugins eingibst


Wo erhalte ich Unterstützung für das Plugin?

Unser primärer Support läuft über unser WordPress-Support-Forum. Für den schnellsten Support kannst du uns über unseren Live Community Slack Chat im #support-Kanal erreichen. Unser Slack-Kanal ist nicht rund um die Uhr besetzt, aber wir prüfen alle Fragen, die täglich eingehen, und beantworten alle unbeantworteten Fragen.

Wir haben eine Community von Pods-Benutzern und -Entwicklern, die sich auf Slack austauschen, sodass du mit Sicherheit schnell eine Antwort erhältst. Wir beantworten unsere Fragen im Forum einmal pro Woche und bearbeiten sie im Laufe der Woche, da wir unsere Ressourcen vorrangig für die Umstrukturierung und Verbesserung unserer Dokumentation einsetzen.

Wo kann ich Fehler melden oder neue Funktionen vorschlagen?

Falls du einen Fehler findest oder eine Idee für eine neue Funktion hast, bitten wir dich, ein Issue in unserem GitHub Repository unter https://github.com/pods-framework/pods/issues/new zu erstellen. Bitte gib sehr genau an, welche Schritte du unternommen hast, um dem Problem zu begegnen und füge Screenshots oder andere Konfigurations-Parameter bei, um uns bei der Nachahmung oder Eingrenzung des Problems zu helfen.

Funktioniert Pods mit meinem Theme?

Höchstwahrscheinlich lautet die Antwort ja. Wir erfordern keine speziellen CSS- oder Anzeigeattribute, um Pods mit deinem Theme zu verwenden, sodass du wenig bis keine Schwierigkeiten haben solltest, deine Inhalte in deinem Theme anzuzeigen. Solltest du auf Probleme stoßen, wende dich an deine Theme-Entwickler und frage sie nach der Unterstützung für die Standard-WordPress-Theme-Funktionen und wie du die WordPress-Template-Hierarchie mit ihrem Theme verwenden kannst.


5. August 2024
Pods works perfectly with my Elementor theme. It’s one of the best plugins I’ve found so far. Huge thanks to the developers, you simply rock!
I have been trying to use, understand, and extends Pods for the sake of maintaining legacy code.I am still confused, to me it seems like an overcomplicated custom fields implementation that makes WordPress unnecessarily slow and is hard to customize even when reading the documentation over and over. I guess that a reason for still using Pods in 2024 might be a use case with a very complicated data structure. Otherwise, just define custom fields in PHP, if you’re a coder, or try ACF instead.
10. Mai 2024
No se puede añadir campos repetibles en los CCT ,, 🙁 Estaria genial poder limitar los campos repetibles actuales y cualquier otro campo, para que los usuarios no puedan añadir datos infinitos. El no poder limitar la cantidad de campos que se pueden introducir en los campos repetibles, puede convertirse en una brecha en la seguridad importante en todos los proyectos webs y sobre carga de datos y archivos las bases de datos. Tampoco estaria mal el poder dar la opción de limitar la cantidad de CPT o CCT que puede añadir un usuario o rol de usuario especifico,,,, pero esto ya es otra historia. Un saludo desde España y muy buen trabajo con este maravilloso plugin. Me encanta….
26. März 2024 1 Antwort
Working with PODS for years now.. It is really fantastic to work with. Great Support, great flexibility and integration in Elementor. Works with all the plugins I throw at it. Don’t believe the negative reviews about the integration with Elementor, those users probably never contacted support here. Thanks a lot developers of PODS, you rock!
10. März 2024 4 Antworten
I want to love Pods but their complete lack of documentation makes it utterly infuriating to work with. The fact that an option in your plugin can’t be found referenced in your documentation is ludicrous. Half the time there is „documentation“ it ends up just being a blank page or contains content that lacks any context, like a random data table. For a plugin that has been around for years, this is completely unacceptable.
4. Februar 2024
I am currently redoing a website for which pods.io was an absolute gamechanger. Unfortunately I don’t fully understand php and sql which is why I am possibly missing some features but until now, the plugin is configured and works pretty well. It will, in future, save me tons of hours.
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3.2.7 – August 28th, 2024

  • Feature: New Pods Related Item List block that works like a Pods Item List block but uses the Pods Single Item block context where you specify a relationship field name to reference. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: You can now link field value output from Pods Field Value block to any website field or just use permalink to link to the current item of the field. Works with single select relationship field as the link reference. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Add support for having multiple filters/pagination on the same page when using Pods shortcodes/blocks. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: When a relationship field is using Taxonomy syncing, you can not choose to hide the Taxonomy UI from the Block Editor and Classic Editor. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: New support for Query Monitor now shows Pods debug logs in a QM panel. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Toggle add file button on single file field depending on whether a file is provided yet. #7315 (@heybran)
  • Tweak: Added a <p> wrapper for the span-based pagination. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Removed: PHP support for Pod Templates and Pod Pages has been finally turned off by default (PODS_DISABLE_EVAL constant set to false can be used to re-enable it). It will be completely removed in Pods 3.3 after being deprecated in Pods 2.3. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Improve REST authentication method to support other auth forms when registering fields. #7340 #7341 (@JoryHogeveen, @sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Fix invalid default value for REST API write_all option. #7339 (@JoryHogeveen)
  • Fixed: Resolve issue with Taxonomy syncing for relationship fields. #7336 #7334 (@pdclark, @sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Add fallback for clipboard.writeText. #7314 (@heybran)
  • Fixed: Reset items loop before running the fetch loop in Pods::template() and the Templates component. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolve issues with cached queries in PodsData not having the correct corresponding total found for pagination. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: More phpstan/phpcs fixes across the codebase. (@sc0ttkclark)

3.2.6 – July 22nd, 2024

  • Fixed: Resolve issue with WordPress 6.5 and earlier compatibility by adding polyfill for react-jsx-runtime dependency that WP 6.6 related tooling now requires. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolve register_meta issue where it wasn’t checking if post type supported revisions before setting meta key as revisionable. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Partial work towards a fix for REST API update handling for meta fields which was broken in a previous release. Final fix will be in Pods 3.2.7. (@sc0ttkclark)

3.2.5 – July 19th, 2024

  • Fixed: Resolve issue with WordPress 6.6 compatibility that caused Pods Admin > Edit Pod and Pods forms to stop working properly on some sites. (@sc0ttkclark, @swissspidy)
  • Fixed: Resolve PHP deprecated notices with null being passed into certain htmlspecialchars related functions. (@sc0ttkclark)

3.2.4 – July 15th, 2024

  • Feature: Allow restricting media library for File fields to only showing attachments associated to the current post ID. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Allow File field to automatically use the first file saved as the featured image for the post. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Add support for Post Types that have associated Taxonomies to have a Relationship field which will automatically sync to the corresponding taxonomy on save. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Register meta handling now properly loads when enabled. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Remove always visible scrollbar from Settings modal panel container since it does not scroll. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: REST API Show All Fields setting for a Pod now works as expected again. (@sc0ttkclark)

3.2.3 – July 15th, 2024

The Pods 3.2.3 release turned into Pods 3.2.4 after an failed attempt at hijacking our plugin on WordPress.org was accidentally documented by online security vulnerability databases as successful.

To be safe and sure that those who are using Pods do not mistake Pods 3.2.3 as a vulnerable release, we will instead release the next version as Pods 3.2.4.

3.2.2 – June 18th, 2024

  • Feature: You can now turn on Taxonomy filters for a Custom Taxonomy so that you see a dropdown filter on the list of posts for any associated post types. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: Pods Templates > Support for comments on post types using Pods Templates using [each comments] and [if comments]. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: REST API > Add support for determining whether to require person to be logged in to read values for custom fields (default: login not required). (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: Automatically redirect to the proper edit URL when going to the Pods Admin > Edit Pods page for a specific pod but id=XX is the slug. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Accessibility > Make it easier to copy and paste field names for the Edit Pod screen with a new copy icon you can click. #7291 #7237 (@heybran, @sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Responsive UI > Improved appearance for the Edit Pod screen for smaller screens. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Security hardening > Sanitize HTML before passing into Pods field inputs for paragraph/code/wysiwyg field types to cover additional cases where something could make it past the sanitization process on save. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Accessibility > Add label for color fields in the Pods Blocks API so it shows the label and not just the color input itself. #7306 #7305 (@pdclark)
  • Fixed: Group and field names now generate in the UI as expected. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Compatibility > Date, Date/Time, and Time default values now use single quotes to ensure maximum compatibility with various SQL engines. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Compatibility > More PHP compatibility issues with trim() related function usage resolved. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Code quality > Various phpstan/phpcs issues resolved. (@sc0ttkclark) – May 8th, 2024

Security Release

  • Security hardening: Enforce safe URLs for Pods form submission confirmation page URLs. Props to the wesley (wcraft) / Wordfence for responsibly reporting this. (@sc0ttkclark)

3.2.1 – March 29th, 2024

  • Performance: The Advanced Filters popup now uses Autocomplete for relationship fields to improve performance for large itemsets. FYI filters are a feature in the Manage Content UI for Advanced Content Types only. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Conditional logic for display callbacks ‚allowed‘ field now showing when choosing the Customized option. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility fix for null values passed to esc_* functions in WP. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility fix for html_entity_decode. (@sc0ttkclark)

3.2.0 – March 25th, 2024

  • Feature: New support for Custom Field revisions in Pods that are Post Types that use Meta storage. You can optionally enable the feature per-pod or per-field. #7265 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: New support for WordPress register_meta() for all Pods fields on meta-based Pods. You can enable this feature in Pods Admin > Settings > „Register meta fields“. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: New support for specifying where your Custom Fields show in REST API responses for Pods that support that. You can choose from Object (response.field_name) or Meta (response.meta.field_name). (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: New support for Custom Fields in the new WordPress 6.5 Block Bindings API for the core/post-meta source. To use your custom fields there, you will need to enable „Register meta fields“ in your Pods Admin > Settings and set your Pod to show it’s REST API fields in the „Meta“ location instead of Object. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: New custom binding source support for the WordPress 6.5 Block Bindings API. Specify your source as pods/bindings-field and then just pass the same arguments you would pass for a normal [pods] shortcode or block. This will bind that dynamic output to the block you are working with. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Now you can specify whether to default values for a Pods field when the field is empty. This works great for when you add a new field to a Pod and you want to edit an existing item that did not have a field value set. The default value will be used in that circumstance. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Support for multiple default values when working with a multi-select field. Now you can just separate your values with a comma and they will be set as the default values. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Now you can specify whether to evaluate magic tags for default values like {@user.ID}. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: New option for Pods shortcodes when used in plugins like Elementor to bypass detecting the loop and to just use whatever ID/post type is available. Use the bypass_detect_loop="1" attribute. #7269 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Added first used and last installed Pods versions to the Site Health information to be more helpful with debugging. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Tweak: Improved the field label/description for Additional User Capabilities field in the CPT settings. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolved an annoying issue when adding a new group or field where it would reset the Pod label to the name (slug) of the pod. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Updated logic for default value handling when using magic tags for internal field configs to ensure the magic tags get evaluated. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolve issue with pods_register_block_type() not clearing the known blocks cache when registering them. #7167 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: PHP fatal errors resolved with array_combine() usage from changes in WP 6.5. #7266 (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Custom capability fallbacks when the option is empty now properly fallback to the default capability using that post type name. #7250 (@JoryHogeveen)
  • Fixed: PHP deprecated notice with trim(). (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolved plupload browse button references to prevent JS console errors. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolved issue with window.wpEditorL10n calls to more safely check for it to prevent JS console errors. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Updated the implementation of the compatibility hooks for set_transient and setted_transient hooks have the proper args expected sent. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Empty REST API fields no longer show when the pod doesn’t support REST API. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Restrict/unrestrict dynamic features logic now properly updates all of the associated Pod settings it needs to in the Access Rights Review screen. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Empty arrays now return correctly in Pod / Group / Field settings instead of using their defaults when empty. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolve potential issues with REST API in certain circumstances which would throw exceptions with the Pods REST API Messages object. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolve issues when duplicating pods where the new pod name is over the limit and prevents creating the new pod correctly. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Access Rights Review notice now only shows on existing installs updating from pre-3.1 instead of showing on new 3.1+ installs too. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Accessibility issues with tabbing resolved for Pods Admin > Edit Pods table and Pods Admin > Edit Pod fields list table when working with row actions. #7196 #7198 (@heybran, @sc0ttkclark)

3.1.4 – February 28th, 2024

  • Fixed: Defaults now show correctly for checkbox groups in the Edit Field modals. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolve potential PHP errors with cached configs in Collections classes that has been there since Pods 2.x. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Revisited due to our automated NPM build issue – Resolved an issue with CodeMirror 6.x fields in forms (this is separate from the version 5.x that the Pods Template editor uses). (@sc0ttkclark)

3.1.3 – February 27th, 2024

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue with CodeMirror 6.x fields in forms (this is separate from the version 5.x that the Pods Template editor uses). (@sc0ttkclark)

3.1.2 – February 27th, 2024

  • Added: Now you can set Content Visibility when creating a new pod. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: More help text to better explain things on the Access Rights Review screen for extended content types. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: New option to specify whether to Sanitize Output for a field in the Additional Field Options of Heading, Paragraph, WYSIWYG, Code, and Text fields. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: Pod Reference metabox on the Pods Templates editor screen now has more help text and will now allow clicking to copy any magic tag to clipboard. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Added: Better explain Public vs Publicly Queryable for Post Types and Taxonomies along with showing the current Content Visibility below. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Changed: Updated CodeMirror to 5.65.16 so we can start moving towards CodeMirror 6 for the Pods Template editor. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolved issues with Access Rights Review screen when making content type public or private causing it not to be fully set (only public was set on, it left out publicly_queryable). (@sc0ttkclark)

3.1.1 – February 22nd, 2024

This is just a release to retrigger the zip generation on WordPress.org that missed a fix put into the initial 3.1 release tag in SVN.

Pods 3.1 is a security focused release, see below for the changelog information.

3.1 – February 21st, 2024

Security Release

While this release is meant to be as backwards compatible as possible, some aspects of security hardening may require manual intervention by site owners and their developers. There were no known reports and no known attempts to take advantage of the issues resolved by this release except where noted.

Read more about How access rights work with Pods for more details including new filters/snippets that can provide limited access.

  • Security hardening: Introduced new access checks and additional fine-grained control over dynamic features across any place in Pods that allows embedding content or forms. This only applies to usage through Pods Blocks or Shortcodes. Using PHP will continue to expect you are handling this on your own unless you pass the appropriate arguments to the corresponding Pods methods. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Security hardening: Prevent using the Pods Views Block / Shortcode to embed any files outside of the current theme. Props to the Nex Team / Wordfence for responsibly reporting this. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Security hardening: Prevent output of user_pass, user_activation_key, and post_password through Pods dynamic features / PHP. These values will be set in Pods references to **************** if they were not-empty so you can still do conditional checks as normal. While Scott was already aware of this in pre-planned security release work, additional props go to the Nex Team / Wordfence for responsibly reporting this too. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Security hardening: Prevent more unsavory PHP display callbacks from being used with magic tags in addition to those already prevented. Props to the Nex Team / Wordfence for responsibly reporting this. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Access rights > Access-related Admin notices and Errors can be hidden by admins in a new setting in Pods Admin > Settings > Security. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Dynamic Features > Dynamic features (Pods Blocks and Shortcodes) can be disabled by admins in a new setting in Pods Admin > Settings > Security. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Changed: Dynamic Features > New installs will now default to not allowing all SQL arguments to be used by dynamic features. Existing installs will default to only allowing simple SQL arguments. All SQL fragments are checked for disallowed usage like subqueries. This can be set in a new setting in Pods Admin > Settings > Security. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Pods Display > The Display-related Pods Blocks and Shortcodes have additional checks that limit access to content based on the user viewing it. For Post Types that are non-public, they must have access to the read capability from that post type as a normal user. For displaying content from Users, they must have access to list_users capability to view that. Read more about how access rights work with Pods (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Pods Forms > The Pods Form Block and Form Shortcode have additional checks that limit access to creating/editing content based on the user submitting the form. For Post Types that are non-public, they must have access to the ‚create‘ capability from that post type as a normal user. Forms that submit to the Users pod, now require that the submitter must have access to the create_users or edit_users capability to create or edit that user. Read more about how access rights work with Pods (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Pods Forms > The Pods Form Block and Form Shortcode now have a new option to identify the form with a custom key you choose that will get passed to various access-related filters so that developers can override access rights more easily. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Pods Forms > When a user has access to create or edit content through a Pods form for a post type, the post_content field is cleaned based on the level of access they have to prevent inserting unintentional shortcodes or blocks. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Feature: Markdown functionality has now been replaced by the Parsedown library for better security and performance and it’s uniquely prefixed so it prevents future conflicts with plugins using the same library. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Changed: Pods Views > One of the breaking changes in this work is that the Pods Views Block / Shortcode dynamic feature is now disabled by default and must be enabled for new and existing installs. This can be done in a new setting in Pods Admin > Settings > Security. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Changed: Display PHP callbacks > New installs will now default to only allowing specific callbacks to be used. This defaults the specific callbacks allowed to esc_attr,esc_html which can be further customized in Pods Admin > Settings > Security. (@sc0ttkclark)

3.0.10 – December 11th, 2023

  • Fixed: The safe rendering handler for Pods Blocks now properly passes along context to all Pods Blocks so that they work within Query Loops again and other places they could take on context. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolved PHP 8.3 deprecation notice with get_class() usage. #7225 (@netlas, @sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: File fields using the direct plupload option will properly avoid uploading files above the limit and handle uploading multiple files without losing all but the first file in the file list. #7138 (@sc0ttkclark, @PD-CM)

Our GitHub has the full list of all prior releases of Pods: https://github.com/pods-framework/pods/releases