

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 7. März 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.


17. Oktober 2022 1 Antwort
Push notifications are broken for everyone even if you use OneSignal and still no correction. Last update was two years ago. The version 3.0 is announced for more than two years also, and still nothing is happening. We don’t even have a roadmap for this new version (should not have announce it so soon if he couldn’t make it) ☹️.
27. Mai 2022
I tried almost all of them but was not happy with the result. Finally, I tried this plugin and works way more than great. Few clicks and it’s done. Few minutes later is up and running
19. Juli 2021
This PWA is great compared to the rest!! Only hope the developer continues the progress as it now has missed the latest WordPress version upgrades. Needs some improvements regarding Edge mobile browser support and recent push notifications.
17. April 2021
This Plugin works great. Before i has „SUPERPWA“, but its Crap. This Plugin here is much better and working.
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