

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 19. Januar 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.


30. August 2022
The plugin does what it should and the bulk actions and categories are super solved! It would still be nice if you could output each widget with an indvidual class or format such as Div, H1, H2.
5. Juni 2022
It is a really simple plugin and it works as intended but there are no docs on the plugin page about what the shortcode syntax, turn to the FAQ here and you will find that there is a spelling mistake in the shortcode docs, with randomise instead of randomize, only the american spelling ‚randomize‘ will work. Author if you are still about, can you correct this please and maybe add a little to the plugin config page with the shortcode syntax so we don’t have to hunt it down here. Thanks
10. Februar 2019 1 Antwort
I utilized this plugin to generate random text links. It works fine on the default rotation setting but not at all on the random setting. On your widget you state that when using large numbers of entries, that some will never show up in random mode. I’m using 9 (soon to be 12) text links and it only brings up the first row in the database. Could this be because the random function has a static number used as the maximum random value? I know PHP but am just learning Wordpress hooks & functions. I will try and look at the underlying code when I get a chance. When I use the random function in a LAMP environment I make 2 database queries. One to get the row count of files, then I use that variable as the maximum value when I call the random function.
4. Oktober 2016
I have problem, i just started with WP and migrate my web from another CMS, so I have enabled debug mode and it says: Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in randomize is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. Can comebody fix this plugin? Yes, I know if I disable debug mode, message goes away.
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