ReWord WordPress plugin allows the users to suggest fixes for content mistakes on a wordpress site. It enhances users experience, and lets the readers take part in editing and proofreading content, while providing a reliable online content checking, using the power of the masses.
Intuitive frontend User Interface to report mistakes and send them to Administrator. Just mark mistake text, click on “R” icon, add your fix and send it.
The reports admin page displays all reported mistakes, and lets admin fix them, or ignore them. Admin can also set the number of alerts before showing a report, to ensure accurate reports and real issues detection in site content.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„ReWord“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„ReWord“ wurde in 2 Sprachen übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
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- Bug Fix: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly
- Remove 3 tags due to a notice by „Please limit your plugin to 5 tags.“
- Settings page redesign
- Bug fix: Version update button on help page should not be visible to users without plugin update capability
- Bug fix: iPhone Chrome and Safari browser applications selected mistakes not showing on popup
- Bug fix: User mistakes are sent and displayed with starting and ending white spaces
- Bug fix: Bottom bulk delete in reports table triggers two confirmations to user
- Upgrade reports table to latest WordPress list table (and remove custom delete confirmation)
- Sort reports table by notifications count
- Format code
- Feature request: Add Editor and Author roles to reports access level settings
- Set reports access level default role to Administrator
- Bug fix: Failure to delete ReWord plugin in PHP 8.2
- Bug fix: Failure to report on URLs longer then 100 chars
- Tested up to WordPress version 6.4
- Set ReWord notice banner default to off
- Update WordPress Version
- Update PHP Version
- Add ReWord help page with version update button, support forum link, contact info and donation link.
- Improve settings change message
- edit readme.txt
- Add ReWord icon
- remove nbproject from repository
- readme.txt changes
- ReWord first version