We recommend that all of our users and customers of the premium version switch to legal web cloud, as we are no longer adding any new features and functions to WP GDPR tools.
As a user of WP GDPR you have two simple tasks:
- Selection of the services used
- Filling of a few input fields
WP GDPR does everything else:
- Creation of the cookie popup
- Creation of the cookie notice
- Control of services
- Control of embeddings
- Generation of the data protection information
- Creation of the imprint
Unsere oberste Priorität ist die Einhaltung der Gesetze und Vorgaben der Gerichte und Datenschutzbehörden. Optionen, die nicht legal oder rechtlich hochumstritten sind, bieten wir erst gar nicht an.
Warum so streng? Weil unsere Benutzer weder die Lust noch das Budget haben, um aufwendige Verfahren quer durch alle Rechtsinstanzen zu führen, nur um herauszufinden, ob irgendeine coole Funktion rechtlich zulässig ist oder nicht.
Sämtliche Rechtstexte wurden von der auf IT-, Internet- und Datenschutzrecht spezialisierten Rechtsanwaltskanzlei erstellt.
Wir verwenden keine Community-Übersetzungen. Alle Übersetzungen wurden von vereidigten und beglaubigten Dolmetschern angefertigt. Das Plugin wurde offiziell von WPML zertifiziert und ist auch mit Polylang und WPGlobus kompatibel.
- Free & Premium
- optimized for Germany & Austria
- can also be used in other EU countries and third countries
- Tag Manager compatible
- Automatic creation
- Integration via page selection or shortcode
- (from cloud version: significantly expanded imprint generator)
- Our feature list gets longer and longer every month.
- Opt-in / consent management
- Opt-out / cancellation management
- definable validity of consent
- definable waiting time until the new request for consent
- correct grouping of services
- Display of all mandatory information
- No illegal nudging (obtaining consent through psychotricks)
- Style configurator
Responsible & data protection officer
- Verantwortlich
- Data protection officer
- Data protection officer
Tag manager
- Google Tag Manager
- Matomo Tag Manager
Die kostenlose Version beinhaltet alle Dienste, die für private Websites wichtig sind:
- Cookie popup
- Cookie notice
- Data protection info
- Google Analytics
- Matomo
- WP Statistics
- Right to be forgotten (with time management)
- Automated directory query (as PDF and JSON) and deletion
- Translatable, multilingual support – officially WPML certified
Licenses for the premium version won’t be continued. Legal web cloud is our new premium plugin. We recommend that all of our users and customers of the premium version switch to legal web cloud, as we are no longer adding any new features and functions to WP DSGVO Tools.
** LegalWeb Cloud **
The new version. Our advanced GDPR/DSGVO plugin, LegalWeb Cloud also makes our services accessible via API and for other CMS and brings new features.
- CMS independent
- Data acquisition via REST API or manual implementation
- Plugins for WordPress and Drupal, Typo3. Development: Contao, Redaxo, Joomla, NEOS, Shopware, Magento
- Useable also via CDN, no plugin needed
- more languages for legal texts (DE, EN, IT, ES, FR, HU, SE,)
- extended imprint generator
- further services for the data protection generator
- Terms and conditions generator
- seal of approval
- live chat, chat bots integrations
- custom integrations
- barrier-free according to WCAG 2.1 AA
- different designs: As a popup, as a sidebar, as a bar at the bottom of the page, …
- visit for more information
Wir sind für dich da!
- Free webinars! check our schedule on or in your WordPress plugins
- Für alle Benutzer:
- Für Premium- und Cloud-Benutzer:
Important note: This plugin only supports you in fulfilling the guidelines for compliance with the GDPR. Installation is not enough – correct configuration of this plugin by a website administrator is required to achieve conformity. A 100% conformity only through the plugin cannot be guaranteed, as this depends on several other aspects. If you use our plugin and enable integrations with your custom snippets (Google Analytics, FB Pixel, Criteo,…), 3rd party scripts get loaded or remote ressources get called if/after your visitors opt-in for them. An valid statement in the privacy policy (to fulfill GDPR requirements) gets added automatically by this plugin. In some features automatically generated emails get sent to you or your customers. In these emails Google Fonts are used.
The Cookie Notice The Cookie Popup Allgemeine Einstellungen Settings for Cookie Popup and Notice Styling settings of the embedding placeholder Statistic integrations Targeting integrations Settings about the page basics Tagmanager settings Data request Löschanfrage Settings for page operator which are used for privacy policy and imprint
Just install via WordPress plugin feature or upload zip and activate it.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„WP DSGVO Tools (GDPR)“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„WP DSGVO Tools (GDPR)“ wurde in 1 Sprache übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
Übersetze „WP DSGVO Tools (GDPR)“ in deine Sprache.
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- security improvements
- PHP 8.1
- updated libraries
- improved script injection
- removed Google Fonts
- changed company names of Facebook
- added imprint url and privacy policy url to wpml-config.xml to support translationing of these urls
- added secure cookie option on https
- fixed cookie notice preview images
- improved sanitation and escaping
- fixed errors at unsubscribe and subject access request
- improved sanitation and escaping