Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Simple Custom CSS Plugin


Füge mühelos deiner WordPress-Website dein eigenes CSS hinzu.

An easy-to-use WordPress Plugin to add custom CSS styles that override Plugin and Theme default styles. This plugin is designed to meet the needs of administrators who would like to add their own CSS to their WordPress website. Styles created with this plugin will render even if the theme is changed.

New in Version 4.0.6

  • Removes Customizer features when using a Block Theme.
  • Tested for WP version 6.1
  • Tested for PHP 8.1

About AMP Support

This plugin no longer enqueues your saved styles in a „pseudo-file“, but rather prints the styles directly into the <head> element. This allows for better caching, and also processing by AMP plugins.


  • AMP Support
  • Customizer Control (live preview)
  • Nützliche Code-Syntaxhervorhebung
  • Code linting (error checking)
  • Keine Konfiguration nötig
  • Einfache Benutzeroberfläche, basierend auf WordPress
  • Nahezu kein Einfluss auf die Performance der Website
  • Keine komplizierten Datenbankabfragen
  • Durchgängige Dokumentation
  • Allows Administrator access on WP Networks (Multisite)


  1. Navigate to Appearance > Custom CSS in the Admin Menu

  2. Enter in valid CSS styles

  3. Click „Update Custom CSS“

  4. View your changes in the Front End of your website


Simple Custom CSS Wiki

Support Forum



Installiere Simple Custom CSS so wie alle anderen WordPress Plugins:

  1. Lade Simple Custom CSS von WordPress.org herunter.

  2. Entpacke die .zip-Datei.

  3. Lade das Plugin-Verzeichnis (simple-custom-css/) in das Verzeichnis wp-content/plugins hoch.

  4. Gehe zur Plugin Verwaltungsseite und suche in der Liste nach dem frisch hochgeladenen Plugin „Simple Custom CSS“.

  5. Click „Activate Plugin.“

Weitere Informationen zum Installieren von Plugins (en.)


23. November 2024
Have been relying on this plugin for several years. The problem is that it appears to have been abandoned, leading to warnings on popular security sites and plugins. It would be so great to have it updated again!
4. Januar 2022
For performance reasons, and instead of rendering plain CSS in page, maybe it would be better to generate a static file, versioned on each update for example ? It could allow to cache this file, and serve it without php code execution on each page request. Could it be possible for you to add this feature ? – & Thank you so John for this plugin i really like to use !
26. Oktober 2021
Спасибо! Самый простой и быстрый способ не разбираясь в коде исправить косяк! 😉 — Thanks! The easiest and fastest way to fix the jamb without understanding the code! 😉
Alle 156 Rezensionen lesen

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* Remove Customizer features when using a Block Theme. Props @tricarte
* Tested for compatibility with WP version 6.1
* Tested for compatibility with PHP 8.1

* AMP Support. Thanks, @westonruter!
* Tested for compatibility with WP version 5.8.1

* Tested for compatibility with WP version 5.4.1

* Tested for compatibility with WP version 5.3

* Use WP’s CodeMirror on settings page
* Tested for compatibility with WP version 5.1.1
* Tested for compatibility with PHP version 7.2

* Fixed bug with broken editor styles on older versions of WP.

* New Customizer Control (still compatible with older WP versions)
* Added colors and linting to the Settings Page
* Updated hooks to replace hyphens with underscores
* Tested for WPCS compliance
* Tested for compatibility with WP version 4.9.4

* Added support for https://
* Added base support for Danish language. Thanks @ThomasDK81!
* Tested for compatibility with WP version 4.4.1

* Tested for compatibility with WP 4.1
* Improved architecture to reduce the number of queries. Thanks @dannyvankooten!

* Tested for compatibility with WP 3.9.1
* Sidebar „Update CSS“ button added

* Added Sytnax Highlighter
* Removed Need for „Allow Quotation Marks“ checkbox
* Removed plugin attribution text
* Minor styling changes. Thanks @kucrut!

* Fixed issue with WP installs in subdirectories. Thanks @lopo!
* Tested for compatibility with WP 3.8.1

* Added option to allow Double Quotes in CSS
* Tested for compatibility with WP 3.8

* Tested for compatibility with WP 3.7.1
* Code update to conform fully with WP coding standards

* Give Admins (not just Super Admins) access to the plugin
* Correcting Credit error
* Minor Bugfixes

* Allowing the „>“ direct child selector.

* Removed unneeded hidden input
* Added Action Hooks
* Added cleanup on deletion
* Added author attribution option
* Added a more elegant method for adding CSS to the page:

Anstelle mit print_scripts das CSS direkt in den HEAD-Bereich einzufügen, werden innerhalb der simple-custom-css.php (der einzigen Datei dieses Plugins) CSS-Regeln erzeugt und anschließend per wp_enqueue_scripts hinzugefügt, womit sie nun im HEAD folgendermaßen auftauchen:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yoursite.com/?sccss=1" />

…even though no css file is actually generated.

* Initial Release