Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 13. Januar 2016 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Unbekannt.
8. Dezember 2016
We’ve been having all new issues and apparently the plugin no longer works and no support for over a year.
3. September 2016
Ir works for me
3. September 2016
I use X-theme, and the comments form styling was a little off. Some minor tweaks helped. The biggest issue was actually caused by another plugin, thought I’d mention it here in case anyone else comes across this. I use the „All In One WP Security“ pack. I enabled a lot of security features, and suddenly I could no longer log in with the facebook button to comment. I tracked it down to this setting:
WP Security -> Firewall -> Additional Firewall Rules -> „Bad Query Strings“
With that option enabled, the redirect URL used by that facebook button, after logging in, returns a 404. So I had to disable that option. Otherwise everything works fine.
3. September 2016
BROKEN and no one wants to look at it.
it just doesnt work anymore, don’t bother downloading no one wants to fix it or get it going again!
7. Februar 2017
Great plugin! I use it on my site. It works really well!
7. Februar 2017
Muy buen plugin, me gusta mucho las opciones de este plugin, lo utilizo en la mayoría de mis paginas, la ultima y que me siento muy orgulloso por ser mi primer theme en wordpress, descargar viber, espero un día poder aportar en la comunidad y crear un plugin tan bueno como el que ustedes ofrecen.
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