Tag Groups is the Advanced Way to Display Your Taxonomy Terms


The Tag Groups plugin allows you to organize your WordPress taxonomy terms and show them in clouds, tabs, accordions, tables, lists and much more. You can customize your term displays with a huge number of options and use them in posts, pages, blocks, or shortcodes.

All the Features in Tag Groups

The Free version of the Tag Groups plugin comes with the following features. All of these features are available as both shortcodes and also Gutenberg blocks.

  • Tag List: Tags appear in columns, sorted into groups. View demos.
  • Tabbed Tag Cloud: A tag cloud where tags are sorted into groups that appear in tabs. View demos.
  • Accordion Tag Cloud: A tag cloud where tags are sorted into vertically stacked accordion groups. View demos.
  • Alphabetical Tag Cloud: Tags are sorted alphabetically by first letter under tabs. View demos.
  • Alphabetical Tag Index: Tag appear in columns, sorted alphabetically by first letter. View demos.
  • Post List: Display posts with a specific tag or in a particular tag group. View demos.

The Pro version of the Tag Groups plugin also has these extra features:

  • Tag Cloud: This is an advanced version of a traditional Tag Cloud, with many customization options. View demos.
  • Table Tag Cloud: This feature organizes tags in a table, with groups as headers. View demos.
  • Shuffle Box: This is a tag cloud that allows you to filter the tags by their names or by their tag groups. View demos.
  • Tag Cloud Search: Add a search box to any of our static tag displays: Cloud, Tabs, Accordion, or Table. View demos.
  • Toggle Post Filter: This allows users to dynamically search for posts that have tags they choose. View demos.
  • Dynamic Post Filter: This aallows users to dynamically search for posts via a dropdown menu showing tags. View demos.

Tag Groups Pro

Upgrade to Tag Groups Pro
This plugin is the free version of TaxoPress. The Pro version of Tag Groups has extra features and expert support. Click here to organize your terms with the Tag Groups Pro plugin now!

Why Organize Terms Into Groups?

Most WordPress sites mix up terms into one big messy group. In most cases, terms should actually be separated by topics: places, people, features, years and more.

Your term however, will become much more useful if you organize them in groups. Imagine a tag cloud where all places appear in a „Places“ group, all names under „Names“ and all years under „Years“. The Tag Groups plugin lets you do exactly that.

The plugin gives you many term displays. You can also customize them, append or prepend something to each tag. You can add separators, choose the link target, set the smallest and the largest font size, display the post count and much more.

Does Tag Groups Only Work With Tags?

No. Tag Groups works also great with most other (flat) taxonomies, such as WooCommerce product tags.

Das Plugin unterstützt keine hierarchischen Taxonomien wie Kategorien.

Does Tag Groups Work with Multilingual Websites?

Yes, this plugin is officially compatible with WPML, the WordPress Multilingual plugin. This means you can use a different tag group name for each language.

Tag Groups Pro

Upgrade to Tag Groups Pro
This plugin is the free version of TaxoPress. The Pro version of TaxoPress has extra features and expert support. Click here to organize, optimize and showcase your content with TaxoPress now!

The TaxoPress and Tag Groups plugins

TaxoPress is developed by the same team that support the popular TaxoPress plugin. Together Tag Groups and TaxoPress are an excellent solution for organizing and displaying your site’s content.

Tag Groups Bug Reports

Bug reports for Tag Groups are welcomed in our repository on GitHub. Please note that GitHub is not a support forum, but a place to report bugs in the plugn that can be replicated outside of a single site.

Follow the TaxoPress team

Follow TaxoPress on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


  • This is an advanced version of a traditional Tag Cloud, with many customization options.
  • The Alphabetical Tag Index shows tag in columns, sorted alphabetically by first letter.
  • The Accordion Tag Cloud is tag cloud where tags are sorted into vertically stacked accordion groups.
  • The Tabbed Tag Cloud is tag cloud where tags are sorted into groups that appear in tabs.
  • The Tag Groups plugin allows you to organize terms in groups.
  • The Toggle Post Filter allows users to dynamically search for posts that have tags they choose.
  • The Tag List allows you to show Tags in columns, sorted into groups.
  • Tag Groups has a custom metabox so you can add terms into specific groups.


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 5 Blöcke.

  • Alphabetical Tag Cloud
  • Alphabetical Tag Index
  • Tag List
  • Accordion Tag Cloud
  • Tabbed Tag Cloud


  1. Finde das Plugin in der Liste im Backend und installiere es mit einem Klick. Oder lade die ZIP-Datei über das Backend hoch. Oder lade den entpackten Ordner „tag-groups“ in das Verzeichnis „/wp-content/plugins/“ hoch.

  2. Aktiviere das Plugin im „Plugins“-Menü in WordPress.

Das Plugin wird ein neues Menü namens „Tag Groups“ und ein Untermenü „Tag Group Admin“ bei den Beiträgen (abhängig von der gewählten Taxonomie) erstellen, wo du die Schlagwortgruppen findest. Nachdem du ein paar Gruppen erstellt hast, kannst du deine Schlagwörter (oder andere Begriffe) bearbeiten und einer dieser Gruppen zuordnen. Ein Filter und ein Menü für Sammelaktionen stehen auf der Schlagwortseite zur Verfügung, und ebenso findest du einen Filter auf der Seite mit den Beiträgen.

Die Schlagwörterwolke unter Tabs (oder im Akkordeon) können mit einem Shortcode oder einem Gutenberg-Block eingefügt werden. Optionen werden im „Tag Groups“-Hauptmenü aufgelistet.


How Can I Start Using Tag Groups?

Nach der Aktivierung des Plugins hast du die Möglichkeit, von einem Setup-Wizard geführt zu werden.

Zuerst erstellst du Gruppen, die deine Schlagwörter enthalten werden. Dann sortierst du deine Schlagwörter in diese Gruppen. Du kannst später immer wieder zurück kommen, um die Gruppen und Schlagwörter zu verändern. Du brauchst nicht einmal Gruppen, wenn du es vorziehst, deine Schlagwörter nach Alphabet sortiert zu zeigen.

Filter und Mehrfachaktionen erleichtern deine Arbeit mit Schlagwörtern erheblich und du kannst sogar die Liste der Beiträge im Backend nach der Gruppe filtern, zu denen ihre Schlagwörter gehören.

What are Possible Applications of Tag Groups?

  • Zeige deine Schlagwörter gruppiert nach Sprache oder Thema.
  • Erstelle ein alphabetisches Verzeichnis deiner Schlagwörter – etwa so wie ein Telefonbuch für Schlagwörter.
  • Zeige nur Schlagwörter von ausgewählten Gruppen in einer Schlagwortwolke.
  • Bestimme, welche Schlagwörter in den verschiedenen Bereichen deines Blogs dargestellt werden sollen.
  • Ändere die Sortierreihenfolge in deiner Schlagwörterwolke.
  • Passe die Links, den Text, die Schriftgröße oder das Trennzeichen der Elemente in deiner Schlagwörterwolke an.
  • Stelle jedem Schlagwort einen Text oder die Beitragsanzahl voraus oder hintenan.
  • Füge in jeden Beitrag eine Schlagwörterwolke ein, die nur die Schlagwörter dieses Beitrags benutzt.
  • Verwalte mühelos große Mengen an Schlagwörtern oder Beiträgen im Backend, indem du sie in Gruppen unterteilst.
  • Füge den Schlagwörtern eine übergeordnete Ebene hinzu und mache sie hierarchisch.

How Can I Show the Tags of Each Post Sorted into Groups?

Bitte verwende einen der Shortcodes oder Gutenberg-Blöcke, die vom Tag Groups-Plugin bereitgestellt werden. Da wir den Code von Templates und anderen Plugins nicht verändern können, können sie die neue Struktur, in der Schlagwörter in Gruppen organisiert sind, nicht verwenden.


26. Juni 2024 1 Antwort
On the admin side, the grouping works well, very intuitive, but the implementation has some flaws in terms accessibility. For example, using a tabbed or accordion interface, the headers are taken out of the tab index order (open section has tabindex=0 and closed are -1) , so cannot be accessed via keyboard UNLESS the user switches to the arrow keys. This is not intuitive. Once opened, the tag links are keyboard accessible via tab.
9. November 2023 1 Antwort
Since the original developer ChattyMango resold the plugin, it’s just bullshit. In the design theme „Accordion“, the previously neatly and clearly separated keywords are now suddenly and unexpectedly raped by the current development team in such a way that the entries are now displayed as unwanted and thus confusing keyword clouds. The documentation for customizing the free version has been removed by the current developers. ChattyMango had provided a few code snippets in the WP backend to refine the display of the chosen design style a bit. The current developers apparently want to drive the user to buy the premium version for the sake of profit. It is already clear to me that the development of a plugin is a lot of work and that it should also be paid for with the premium version. But I don’t need the extensive features of the premium version. But for the free version of the plugin, I would like to get back at least the rudimentary customization options that were previously available. With the takeover and the latest updates, the code has apparently been messed up to such an extent that the plugin is slowing down the website. Loading times of more than 4 seconds are unacceptable with the plug-in enabled. I tried to delete the new version and then install the version 1.4, which was satisfactory at the time. Version 1.4 has been installed and loading times have decreased dramatically. But the messed-up accordion view with the stupid cloud of buzzwords stuck with me. But the messed-up accordion view with the stupid cloud of buzzwords stayed with me. Of course, I can’t verify how deep the current version digs into the system. I want the Accordion theme to be able to see the list view again and the loading times to be optimized. In other words, if you manage to screw up a previously unique plugin like that, then you should be able to get rid of the hopelessly screwed up nonsense in the interest of the users. And again provides proper documentation. And above all, the helpful (example) codes for individual customization. Then there are also asterisks again. _________________________________________________________________ Edit: Problem solved After several hours of searching and with a lot of patience, I was now able to solve the problem I described myself and would like to share the solution with interested parties who have the same problem: Navigate to the menus in the WP backend. Find the „MLA Text“ menu and open the widget to paste the following code into the text box (only the bold text in the square brackets): ‚#‘ [tag_groups_accordion smallest= 14 largest=14 separator=<br/>] ‚#‘ Now the keywords embedded in the Accordion template are no longer displayed as a confusing cloud, but as a clean list from each other and, above all, separated from each other. In the documentation designed by the developer, although very extensive, there are some „shortcuts“ or .PHP snippets. However, nowhere is it explained where and how to insert the code in order to be able to make such individual adjustments. At least I didn’t find them – if these hints were noted somewhere – despite my intensive and attentive reading for self-help. I increase my rating to 3 stars for the user-unfriendly documentary. For the plugin I give (also to myself) 5 stars because it works NOW the way I want it to.
25. April 2022 2 Antworten
Maybe it’s because I have been trying all day to find a plug in to do what I need and have failed but this one has been one of the most frustrating. I read the documentation and it looked like this may work for me. I installed it and ran the setup wizard and hit the Preview and poof a page popped up that looked like I could work with it. It was not the layout I was looking for but it was the best layout I have seen today. So I closed that window and when back to the CP to see if I could make some changes to the layout and got so lost. Could not find my way back and the help and CP navigation is crap. All sorts of stuff that I do not care about or do not need and nothing that would help me. ARG…. I just want to be able to sort products based on the tags they are given.
23. Januar 2022 1 Antwort
Simply the best tags plugin for Wordpress. The support is great, the developer very friendly and the plugin is very powerful with unlimited functionality and possibilities. Congratulations and friendships.
4. Januar 2022 1 Antwort
I’m using the paid version to display posts based on tags selected. I found it simple to use and straightforward. You can get results very quickly with this, and it’s impressive. It also looks great. I had a problem with another plugin not working with the Tag Cloud that the Tag Cloud support fixed. This saved me a lot of time and was excellent customer service. I’m so pleased with the results, and I’m delighted I bought this plugin. I can’t recommend this enough!
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[2.0.8] – 03 Feb 2025

  • Improved: Improve the save icon, #188
  • Improved: Improve „Theme and Appearance“ tab, #176
  • Removed: Remove the „Home“ screen, #187
  • Fixed: Missing translation strings in Pro, #123
  • Fixed: Tooltips not working with the shortcodes, #102
  • Update: Text update for „Taxonomies“ screen, #186
  • Update: New text for Tag Colors tab, #177
  • Update: Update „Shortcodes“ tab, #175
  • Update: Combine settings screen: Tools & License, #174
  • Removed: Remove the „Home“ link, #173
  • Update: Move the Group ID column, #172
  • Update: Translation Updates for Tag Groups FREE v2.0.7 ES-FR-IT, #180
  • Update: Translation Updates for Tag Groups PRO v2.0.7 ES-FR-IT, #179

[2.0.7] – 22 Jan 2025

  • Improved: Improve handling of Parent Groups, #120
  • Update: New text for Tag Group admin, #157
  • Fixed: Missing translation strings in Free, #122
  • Fixed: Remove orange pop-ups on Tag Group Admin screen #156
  • Fixed: Add back reset tag filter button, #165
  • Update: Translation Updates for Tag-Groups FREE v2.0.5 ES-FR-IT, #145
  • Update: Translation Updates for Tag Groups FREE v2.0.6 ES-FR-IT, #163
  • Update: Translation Updates for Tag Groups PRO v2.0.6 ES-FR-IT, #164

[2.0.6] – 16 Jan 2025

  • Improved: Added Filter Button to the Tags screen, #138
  • Improved: Allow users to disable large modal from metabox, #100
  • Update: Update buttons on Tags Groups Admin screen, #133
  • Update: Replace X icon in metabox screen, #104
  • Feature: Add a „Remove all from group“, #105
  • Fixed: Deprecated shortcode error with shuffle box shortcode, #150
  • Fixed: Possible issue with Tag Groups shortcode, #140

[2.0.5] – 18 Dec 2024

  • Update: Update the Migrate and Maintenace feature in Tag Groups form to $_POST and sanitize url, #134
  • Removed: Remove the Tools area, #96
  • Fixed: PHP Error in class.transients.php, #125
  • Update: Disable filters by default, #121
  • Fixed: „Tag Colors“ screen is broken in 2.0.4, #119
  • Fixed: Deprecated shortcode error, #126
  • Update: New plugin description, #67

[2.0.4] – 29 Aug 2024

  • Update: Add settings to enable Tag Groups and Terms endpoint for public access, #114

[2.0.3] – 24 May 2023

  • Fixed: [tag_groups_post_list] shortcode tag parameter not working with custom taxonomy tags, #86
  • Fixed: Fatal error with post count, #69
  • Fixed: Tag groups shortcode causing fatal error, #85
  • Fixed: Remove Broken documentation links in Gutenberg blocks, #88
  • Fixed: Remove „Try Premium“ link, #76
  • Updated: TAG GROUPS Spanish translation April 2023 update, #70
  • Updated: TAG GROUPS French translation April 2023 update, #74

[2.0.2] – 12 Apr 2023

  • Update: Update Tag group admin sorting method, #52
  • Update: Move „search for settings“ on settings screens, #47
  • Update: Update footer credit, #50
  • Update: Update tag group admin „Add New button“, #51
  • Update: Remove large blank area on Admin screen, #53
  • Update: Change top banner to blue color, #46
  • Update: Change Upgrade to Pro links, #49

[2.0.1] – 20 Mar 2023

  • Update: Accessibility Improvements for settings area, #35
  • Update: Update title icons, #31
  • Update: Include an „Add New“ button for taxonomy groups #34
  • Fixed: Small “ issue with sidebar promos, #30
  • Update: Remove Beta Tester Feedback, #37

[2.0.0] – 28 Feb 2023

  • Update: TaxoPress Move and General cleanup
  • Update: Added Pro sidebar, #24
  • Update: Documentation link updates, #22
  • Update: Remove the icons in Gutenberg blocks, #15
  • Update: Merge the Tools and Troubleshooting tabs, #12
  • Update: Remove 3 tabs from Troubleshooting, #11
  • Update: Remove the „About“ menu, #10
  • Update: Remove freemius dependency, #8



  • Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.4.5



  • Improved performance by different caching of tag counts.



(premium version only)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixing parameter „header_class“ of Alphabetical Tag Index.