Plugin-Schlagwort: jquery
Enable jQuery Migrate Helper
(109 Bewertungen gesamt)Erhalte Informationen über Aufrufe von veralteten jQuery-Funktionen in Plugins oder Themes.
jQuery Updater
(64 Bewertungen gesamt)Dieses Plugin aktualisiert jQuery deiner Website auf die neueste stabile Version.
jQuery Colorbox
(35 Bewertungen gesamt)Adds Colorbox/Lightbox functionality to images, grouped by post or page. Works for WordPress and NextGEN galleries. Comes with different themes.
Scroll To Top
(13 Bewertungen gesamt)Automatically adds a flexible Back to Top button to your WordPress website that allows your visitor to scroll back to the top of your page with one cl …
Use Google Libraries
(47 Bewertungen gesamt)Allows your site to use common javascript libraries from Google's AJAX Libraries CDN, rather than from WordPress's own copies.
Scroll Back To Top
(56 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin will add a button that allows users to scroll smoothly to the top of the page.
jQuery Manager for WordPress
(111 Bewertungen gesamt)Manage jQuery and jQuery Migrate, activate a specific jQuery and/or jQuery Migrate version. The ultimate jQuery debugging tool for WordPress.
Version Control for jQuery
(7 Bewertungen gesamt)Version Control for jQuery is one of the easiest ways to control the version of jQuery used on your website.
jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries
(10 Bewertungen gesamt)Native WordPress-Galerien können ein Lightbox-Skript namens ColorBox aufrufen, das Bilder in Originalgröße anzeigt.
Responsive Image Maps
(64 Bewertungen gesamt)Makes image maps responsive by packaging the RWD Image Maps jQuery plugin for use in WordPress.
Remove jQuery Migrate
(6 Bewertungen gesamt)A very lightweight plugin that removes jQuery Migrate script from your WordPress site's front end.
Cleaner Gallery
(23 Bewertungen gesamt)A cleaner WordPress [gallery] that integrates with multiple Lightbox-type scripts.
Alligator Popup
(45 Bewertungen gesamt)Add popups to your site. Add links to pages/posts via a shortcode which will be opened in a popup browser window.
(17 Bewertungen gesamt)FooTable's goal is simple : to make HTML tables look awesome on all devices!
jQuery UI Widgets
(19 Bewertungen gesamt)Simple, flexible, and powerful way to add jQuery UI widgets to your site posts, pages, or widgets. Works right out of the box!
WP To Top
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin will add a "back to top/ scroll to top" icon automatically to your blog.
fancyBox 3 for WordPress
(7 Bewertungen gesamt)Seamlessly integrates the fancyBox 3 script into your WordPress installation: Upload, activate, and you're done. Additional configuration is opti …