Das #1 Plugin um das WordPress Dashboard anzupassen!
Ultimate Dashboard erlaubt es dir ein individuelles WordPress Dashboard für dich und deine Kunden zu erstellen.
Ersetze die standard WordPress Dashboard Widgets mit deinen eigenen und verleih‘ dem WordPress Dashboard einen besseren Nutzen.
Ultimate Dashboard ist ein sauber programmiertes & leichtgewichtiges Plugin, welches erstellt wurde um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit im WordPress Admin-Bereich maßgeblich zu verbessern.
Bearbeite heute noch das WordPress Dashboard!
❌ Entferne Dashboard Widgets
Entferne alle, oder individuelle standard WordPress Widgets mit nur einem Klick.
➕ Erstelle eigene Widgets
Erstelle Icon, Text & HTML Widgets um ein individelles Kunden-Dashboard zu erstellen und sende deine Kunden zu den Schlüsselseiten Ihrer Websiete – oder überall sonst!
🎨 Login Customizer
White Label den WordPress Login-Bereich. Individualisiere den gesamten Login-Bildschirm & passe das Design ganz nach deinem belieben an. Direkt mit Live-Vorschau im WordPress Customizer.
️ Anmelde-Weiterleitung
Die Anmelde-Weiterleitungsfunktion erlaubt es dir, die WordPress Anmelde-URL zu verändern, die /wp-admin/ URL für nicht angemeldete Benutzer zu verstecken und Benutzer nach der Anmeldung umzuleiten.
🖌️ Füge CSS hinzu
- Füge CSS nur dem WordPress Dashboard hinzu
- Füge CSS dem gesamten WordPress Adminbereich hinzu
- Füge CSS dem WordPress Loginbildschirm hinzu. Mit Live-Vorschau, direkt im WordPress Customizer
📋 Erstelle eigene Admin Seiten
Erstelle Hauptmenü- & Untermenü-Seiten per HTML, CSS oder dem standard WordPress WYSIWYG-Editor und füge sie deinem WordPress Menü hinzu.
✨ Weitere Funktionen
- Ändere den Inhalt des WordPress Willkommenspanel
- Ändere den WordPress „Howdy“ Text
- Definiere eine eigene WordPress Dashboard Überschrift
- Remove WordPress admin bar for specific user roles
- Entferne den „Hilfe“ Tab
- Entferne den „Ansicht anpassen“ Tab
- Individueller WordPress Footer- & Versions-Text
- Exportiere/importiere Dashboard Widgets & Einstellungen
Für weitere Funktionen, wirf einen Blick auf Ultimate Dashboard PRO.
🏆 Ultimate Dashboard PRO
- Entferne Drittanbieter Dashboard Widgets
- Beschränke Dashboard Widgets & Admin Seiten auf spezielle Benutzer und Nutzerrollen.
- White Label & rebrande WordPress
- Erweiterte Login Customizer Funktionen
- Erstelle individuelle Admin Seiten mit Elementor, Beaver Builder & Brizy
- Erstelle Video Widgets
- Erstelle Kontaktformular-Widgets
- WordPress Multisite-Unterstützung
- Dark Mode
- Admin Menü Editor
- Admin Bar Editor
Erfahre mehr über Ultimate Dashboard PRO
Wie geht’s weiter?
Wenn dir Ultimate Dashboard gefällt, schau dir unsere anderen Produkte an:
- Page Builder Framework – Ein schnelles & minimalistisches WordPress Theme, erstellt für die neue WordPress Ära.
- Better Admin Bar – The plugin to make your clients enjoy WordPress. It replaces the default admin bar to provide the best possible user experience when editing & navigating a website.
- Lade die Datei auf deinen Computer herunter.
- Entpacke die Datei.
- Lade den Ordner
in das/wp-content/
Verzeichnis deiner Webseite. - Aktiviere das Plugin im Plugins Menü in WordPress.
Um die Einstellungen aufzurufen, navigiere zu Einstellungen > Ultimate Dashboard über das WordPress Menü.
Um neue Dashboard Widgets zu erstellen, navigiere zu Dashboard > Dashboard Widgets über das WordPress Menü.
Funktioniert das Plugin auf einer WordPress Multisite Installation?
Für Multisite Unterstützung & mehr, wirf einen Blick auf Ultimate Dashboard PRO
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Ultimate Dashboard – Custom WordPress Dashboard“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„Ultimate Dashboard – Custom WordPress Dashboard“ wurde in 4 Sprachen übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
Übersetze „Ultimate Dashboard – Custom WordPress Dashboard“ in deine Sprache.
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3.8.5 | November 22, 2024
- Fixed: BFCM notice wasn’t dismissible
3.8.4 | November 15, 2024
- Tested up to WordPress 6.7
- Fixed: Issue where custom login page logo won’t show after the release of WordPress 6.7
3.8.3 | September 30, 2024
- New: Onboarding Wizard
- New: Hide admin bar for specific user roles
3.8.2 | August 14, 2024
- Tested up to WordPress 6.6
3.8.1 | July 24, 2024
- Fixed: Fatal error in the WordPress admin area if „Howdy“-text was changed due to recent WordPress core update (6.1.1)
3.8 | June 19, 2024
- New: Dark Mode (PRO)
- New: Move sub-menu items across top-level menu items in the Admin Menu Editor (PRO)
- Tweak: Overall improvements to the Admin Menu Editor (PRO)
- Tweak: Overall UI/UX improvements
- Fixed: Performance issues related to the Admin Menu Editor
3.7.14 | May 10, 2024
- Tested up to WordPress 6.5
3.7.13 | January 09, 2024
- Fixed: „Add New“ text in the WordPress admin menu for adding new widgets & admin pages
3.7.12 | December 30, 2023
- Fixed: Minor security issue
3.7.11 | December 11, 2023
- Fixed: Minor security issue
3.7.10 | November 22, 2023
- Fixed: Bug where BFCM notice was not dismissible
3.7.9 | November 22, 2023
- Update BFCM deal details
3.7.8 | November 07, 2023
- Minor security tweaks
3.7.7 | August 27, 2023
- Tested up to WordPress 6.3
3.7.6 | May 21, 2023
- Tweak: Minor security fix
3.7.5 | May 11, 2023
- Tweak: Improve export/import functionality
- Tweak: Allow source tag in HTML widget
- Fixed: Fatal error with Google SiteKit
3.7.4 | February 07, 2023
- Tweak: Updated logo
3.7.3 | January 30, 2023
- Tweak: Wording
3.7.2 | December 05, 2022
- Fixed: Issue with password protected pages & login redirect feature | October 04, 2022
- Minor tweaks & improvements | July 20, 2022
- Tweak: Wording | July 19, 2022
- Tweak: Open link in a new tab | July 16, 2022
- Fixed: Wording | July 1, 2022
- Minor tweaks
3.7.1 | July 1, 2022
- New: Field to replace the block editor logo (Ultimate Dashboard PRO)
3.7 | June 15, 2022
- New: Improved Login Customizer with features such as Background Image, Background Overlay, Form Box Shadow, etc.
- Fixed: Issues when configuring Admin Menu Editor for specific users
3.6.3 | May 13, 2022
- Tweak: Further improved Admin Menu Editor functionality
3.6.2 | May 10, 2022
- Fixed: Some menu items didn’t appear in the Admin Menu Editor (for instance Yoast SEO)
- Fixed: Admin Menu Editor & Admin Bar Editor are not responsive
3.6.1 | May 04, 2022
- Tweak: Changed plugin header information, updated images & footer links
- Fixed: Some sub-menu items won’t loade in the Admin Menu Editor, for instance in the WooCommerce Analytics section. If you still don’t see certain menu or sub-menu items appear, please try resetting the Admin Menu Editor for all or specific user roles.
3.6 | April 25, 2022
- New: Allow rendering shortcodes in the WordPress welcome panel
- New: Allow rendering shortcodes in the Ultimate Dashboard widget titles
- New: Refactored import/export functionality to allow for more granular control when exporting settings
- New: Placeholder tags to display information dynamically in widgets & welcome panel
- Tweak: Rewrite URL’s when exporting & importing settings to a different WordPress install
- Fixed: PHP Warning: Undefined array key „path“ (
- Fixed: Build Admin Menu Editor only when a specific role is clicked instead of loading them all at once (in a row). This was causing performance issues & was interpreted as a security issue by some installs.
- Fixed: Reliability & accuracy of the Admin Menu Editor has been improved
3.5.3 | March 02, 2022
- New: Added support for WordPress‘ new language switcher on login screen
- Updated description
3.5.2 | February 03, 2022
- Tested up to 5.9
- Tweak: Updated texts
- Fixed: Fatal error in WordPress‘ tools section
- Fixed: Content of Custom CSS fields on settings page appear empty until clicked
3.5.1 | November 11, 2021
- Tweak: Updated admin notice
3.5 | August 16, 2021
- New: Change WordPress‘ Howdy text
- New: Change WordPress login URL
- New: Redirect for non logged-in users
- New: Login Redirect feature
- Tweak: Show review notice only to admins
- Tweak: New tabbed layout on Settings page
- Fixed: Some 3rd party menu items did not appear in the Admin Menu Editor
- Fixed: Some 3rd party menu items did not appear in the Admin Bar Editor
- Fixed: Only load FontAwesome in the WordPress admin if an admin page exists
- Fixed: Settings link on the plugin screen links to non-existent page
- Fixed: Remove data on uninstall on multisite installations
3.4.1 | July 26, 2021
- Fixed: Welcome panel cannot be removed
3.4 | June 22, 2021
- New: Advanced White Label settings
3.3.4 | June 8, 2021
- New: WordPress admin body classes (udb-user-{nicename}, udb-role-{current-user-role})
- New: Settings to change the WordPress welcome panel
3.3.3 | June 1, 2021
- New: Remember Users/Roles tab when saving in Admin Menu Editor (PRO)
- Other minor tweaks & improvements
3.3.2 | May 22, 2021
- New: Add separators to your admin menu with the Admin Menu Editor (PRO)
- Tweak: Remove Theme Options tab from custom Admin Pages
- Fixed: Some sub menu items can’t be removed with the Admin Menu Editor (PRO)
- Fixed: Conflict with 3rd party plugins where not all roles were loaded in the Admin Menu Editor (PRO)
- Fixed: On multisites, all menu items are shown no matter what role is selected (PRO)
3.3.1 | May 18, 2021
- New: TablePress support for Admin Menu Editor (PRO)
- New: Admin notice that kindly asks you to leave a review
- Tweak: Pave the way to implement Brizy support for Custom Admin Pages (PRO)
3.3 | April 13, 2021
- New: Admin Bar Editor (PRO)
- New: Add custom CSS to the WordPress login screen
- Fixed: Cannot redeclare retrieve_password (Fatal error)
- Fixed: Export/import issue with user roles (dashboard widgets & admin pages)
- Fixed: Export/import functionality for „Modules“ were missing
- Fixed: All widgets were active/inactive after import, even though if they were active/inactive on the original website
3.2.1 | March 04, 2021
- Fixed: Module switcher no longer working
3.2 | March 04, 2021
- New: Improved & cleaned up admin & settings page design
- New: Admin Menu Editor – Change the admin menu for specific user roles (PRO)
- New: Admin Menu Editor – Add custom menu items to the WordPress admin menu (PRO)
- Tweak: Admin Menu Editor – Changed sub menu name from Admin Menu to Admin Menu Editor to be more precise
- Fixed: Widget & admin page user roles are not imported properly (PRO)
- Fixed: Login Customizer – Border color styling
- Fixed: Admin Menu Editor – Rare case where the admin menu was broken after using the Admin Menu Editor feature (PRO)
- Fixed: Login Customizer – Box-width setting doesn’t work (PRO)
3.1.3 | December 20, 2020
- Tweak: Improved „Modules“ feature
- Tweak: Improved „Login Customizer“ CSS output
- Fixed: Admin email verification screen styling
3.1.2 | December 09, 2020
- Fixed: Wrong plugin dir for PRO plugin updater
3.1.1 | December 09, 2020
- Fixed: Broken plugin updater in PRO add-on
3.1 | December 09, 2020
- WordPress 5.6 compatibility
- New: Modules screen to turn on/off features
- Tweak: Updated & improved settings page UI
3.0 | October 27, 2020
- Rewritten the plugin from the ground up
- New: Enable/disable widgets on the „All Widgets“ screen
- New: Updated to FontAwesome 5
- New: Improved icon picker
- Fixed: Admin Pages export/import functionality
- Other tweaks & improvements
2.8.3 | August 11, 2020
- Fixed: WordPress 5.5 compatibility
2.8.1 | March 4, 2020
- Fixed: CSS sanitization
2.8 | March 4, 2020
- New: Create admin pages & sub-pages
- Minor tweaks & improvements
2.7.2 | April 17, 2020
- New: Use {home_url} inside login customizer logo URL to dynamically fetch the site URL
- New: Filter (udb_login_customizer) to disable the Login Customizer feature entirely
- New: Filter (udb_login_logo) to change the login logo image. That will allow you to change the logo without having to upload it to your or your clients website
- Minor tweaks & improvements
- Fixed: HTML widget wouldn’t save
2.7.1 | April 4, 2020
- Tweak: We found a better way to implement the login customizer feature and were able to remove the auto-generated page.
2.7 | April 1, 2020
- New: Login Customizer
- New: Widget Color Settings
- New: Change Footer & Version Text
- New: HTML Widget
- New: Added support for Health Status widget
- Fixed: contextual_help_list deprecated notice
- Fixed: Long tooltips overlap icon widgets
2.6 | February 18, 2020
- New: Change dashboard headline
- New: Add custom admin CSS
- New: Remove „Help“ tab
- New: Remove „Screen Options“ tab
- New: Remove admin bar from the frontend
2.5.1 | January 3, 2020
- Fixed: Text decoration issue
2.5 | September 27, 2019
- Maintenance Release
2.4 | April 30, 2019
- New: Text Widgets
- New: Tooltips for Icon Widgets
- New: Import/Export Widgets & Settings
- New: Custom Dashboard CSS field
- New: Improved UX/UI
2.3.1 | January 28, 2019
- Tweak: cleaned up codebase
- Fixed: internationalization
2.3 | November 30, 2018
- Tweak: set required PHP version to 5.6
- Tweak: tested up to 5.0
- Tweak: highlighted pro link
- Fixed: internationalization
2.2 | August 1, 2018
- Tweak: Updated Settings Page UI
- Tweak: Updated Links & Descriptions under Widgets -> PRO
2.1.1 | 05/31/2018
- Fixed: Number of Dashboard Widgets is limited by the „Reading“ settings under Appearance -> Reading
2.1 | 03/18/2018
- Maintenance release
- Added: Action Link
- Tweak: save deactivated dashboard widgets in a single array
- Fixed: wrong hook used to remove dashboard widgets
2.0.1 | 11-17-2017
- Minor Tweaks & Improvements
2.0 | 11-14-2017
- Rewritten the plugin from ground up
- Ultimate Dashboard now has its own, top-level menu in the WordPress Dashboard
- Tweak: metabox styling
- Tweak: embedded font-awesome instead of loading it from an external source
- Tweak: removed roboto as default font
- Tweak: minor security tweaks
1.3.1 | 10-28-2016
- Updated: Plugin Header & options page sidebar
1.3 | 10-06-2016
- Added: filter/search functionality for dashboard icons (Dashicons & Font-Awesome)
1.2.1 | 08-21-2016
- Fixed: The Plugin Generated xxx Characters of Unexpected Output During Activation message
1.2 | 08-21-2016
- Removed: Ultimate Dashboard PRO notification
- Added: Sidebar to Ultimate Dashboard options page
- Added: Custom Post Type columns (icon, link target)
- Tweak: Default plugin language is now english
- Added: German translation
1.1 | 07-20-2016
- Removed the limit of 5 dashboard widgets
1.0.3 | 07-07-2016
- Added: all WordPress Dashicons
- Tweak: new font for Dashboard Widgets (Roboto)
- Tweak: Added an accordion to sort icon groups
1.0.2 | 07-05-2016
- Moved the Ultimate Dashboard CPT from the main menu to Dashboard > Dashboard Widgets
- Added better descriptions while creating a Dashboard Widget for absolute and relative urls
Removed a bug that only allowed to create 1 Dashboard Widget.
Initial Release