Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 3. Januar 2023 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
27. März 2019
3. Januar 2018
Not all galleries are loaded.
I changed the plugin and now it works all.
29. November 2017
1 Antwort
I’ve been using this plugin for years since it’s the ONLY one that allows me add a link to an image in the gallery. I’m an artist & I want to create masonry style galleries that have the images directly linked to their own pages. I’ve spent a lot of time & money trying to find plugins that do that & this is the only one.
I love that it integrates directly into the WP image gallery system so there are no compatibility issues. I can also use the light box feature selectively, which I do on every individual page for my paintings.
It does NOT have pagination. Initially this wasn’t an issue but it has become one as my portfolio grows. I’ve contacted the original developer & the new developer about this but have never received a response. I’ve donated repeatedly to the developer(s) but haven’t gotten so much as a ‚thank you.‘ I worry constantly that this plugin has been abandoned.
It’s not as responsive as I’d like either. When I view my large galleries on my iPhone 7+, I only get on image at a time rather than a 2 or 3 column layout like it looks on my desktop site. It makes the lack of pagination all the more painful since my gallery pages just scroll on forever on mobile devices.
I am using WP 4.9 and it still works thankfully. Between the lack of pagination & the complete non-responsiveness of the people behind the plugin, I reduced the rating from a 5-star to a 4-star.
Original Review:
I use WordPress 4.4 and after several weeks of searching, trying, & throwing money at other plugins (that didn’t do what I wanted them to), I found yours. While it isn’t listed as working with 4.4, I took a chance and am THRILLED that it does!! I did a test page using the Masonry Gallery on my laptop, my iPad mini & my iPhone each one of them worked great. I’m close to tears I’m so happy right now. I’ve been using WP for years and your plugin is the best way to display my art that I’ve EVER found….and it works inside the normal WP media gallery.
I’m an artist and my work varies greatly in size, everything from 2″ x 3″ to several feet long (or wide). Trying to find a gallery that properly displays all those sizes without oddly cropping the thumbnails or distorting the images seemed impossible. In the last 7 days I spent $65 on plugins that ended up not doing what I wanted (but I had to pay to properly see all the options to figure that out). Your „Masonry“ gallery is exactly what I needed AND you had the good sense to allow the titles to be viewed underneath each image.
Please tell me that you are going to continue with updates for this?!?! As soon as my bank account replenishes in a week or so, you’re getting a nice donation for this. I will be plastering this plugin’s name & link all over my website & social media accounts. Thank you!!!
29. November 2017
Works well
Thanks for the plugin
3. November 2017
Love it. Thank you very much. With your plugin I was able to build a mosaic wall page with linked images in it, just like I wanted it. The CSS was also easy to change.
Note: works with 4.8.3
28. Juli 2017
So easy for clients to use and add nice galleries directly into posts and pages
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