Modern Image Formats


This plugin adds WebP and AVIF support for media uploads within the WordPress application. By default, AVIF images will be generated if supported on the hosting server, otherwise WebP will be used as the output format. When both formats are available, the output format can be selected under Settings > Media. Modern images will be generated only for new uploads, pre-existing images will only converted to a modern format if images are regenerated. Images can be regenerated with a plugin like Regenerate Thumbnails or via WP-CLI with the wp media regenerate command.

By default, only modern image format sub-sizes will be generated for JPEG or PNG uploads – only the original uploaded file will still exist as a JPEG/PNG image, generated image sizes will be WebP or AVIF files. To change this behavior, there is a checkbox in Settings > Media „Output fallback images“ that – when checked – will result in the plugin generating both the original format as well as WebP or AVIF images for every sub-size (noting again that this will only affect newly uploaded images, i.e. after making said change).

This plugin was formerly known as WebP Uploads.


Installation innerhalb von WordPress

  1. Gehe zu Plugins > Hinzufügen.
  2. Search for Modern Image Formats.
  3. Install and activate the Modern Image Formats plugin.

Manuelle Installation

  1. Lade das gesamte Verzeichnis webp-uploads in den Ordner /wp-content/plugins/ hoch.
  2. Rufe Plugins auf.
  3. Activate the Modern Image Formats plugin.


Wo kann eine Rückmeldung zum Plugin eingereicht werden?

Feedback ist erwünscht und wird sehr geschätzt, vor allem, da dieses Plugin als zukünftige WordPress-Kernfunktion aufgenommen werden könnte. Wenn du Vorschläge oder Funktionswünsche hast, kannst du diese als Issue im GitHub-Repository des WordPress-Performance-Teams einreichen. Wenn du Hilfe bei der Fehlersuche benötigst oder eine Frage zum Plugin hast, erstelle bitte ein neues Thema in unserem Support-Forum.

Wo können Sicherheitslücken gemeldet werden?

Das Performance-Team und die WordPress-Community nehmen Sicherheitslücken ernst. Wir schätzen deine Bemühungen, deine Entdeckungen verantwortungsvoll zu veröffentlichen und werden uns bemühen, deine Beiträge zu würdigen.

Um ein Sicherheitsproblem zu melden, besuche bitte das WordPress-HackerOne-Programm.

Wie kann zu diesem Plugin beigetragen werden?

Beiträge sind immer willkommen! Im Handbuch des Core-Performance-Teams erfährst du mehr darüber, wie du dich beteiligen kannst.

I’ve activated the Modern Image Formats plugin, but WebP images are not always generated when I upload a JPEG image. Why?

Es gibt zwei Hauptgründe, warum ein WebP-Bild nicht erzeugt werden kann:

  1. The Modern Image Formats plugin has identified that the WebP version of the uploaded JPEG image would have a larger file size than the original JPEG image, so it does not generate the WebP version.
  2. Das JPEG-Bild wurde nicht in die Mediathek hochgeladen. Derzeit werden WebP-Versionen nur für Bilder in der Mediathek erstellt. WebP-Versionen werden nicht für JPEG-Bilder erstellt, die auf andere Weise zu deiner Website hinzugefügt wurden, zum Beispiel in einer Template-Datei oder im Customizer.

With the Modern Image Formats plugin activated, will the plugin generate JPEG and WebP versions of every image that I upload?

By default, the Modern Image Formats plugin will only generate WebP versions of the images that you upload. If you wish to have both WebP and JPEG versions generated, you can navigate to Settings > Media and enable the Generate JPEG files in addition to WebP option.


4. November 2024 3 Antworten
the images are compressed correctly but the type remains image/jpeg and I don’t know if this can lead to future problems
26. Oktober 2024 1 Antwort
I hope I’m not the single one here with the same problem. My website images now not getting loaded properly. Need to refresh a couple of times to see pictures by picture. It shows that my pictures are missing and look like broken images (404 images not found). Now WordPress automatically .avif not .jpg as I upload my Pictures.P.S. I want to know if is a way do disable/uninstall this crap?
10. Oktober 2024 1 Antwort
Just does not do anything. No message. No Error. Just not converting any images. Since there is also not a lot of documentation or community around this plugin I will give up and do this externally.
6. Oktober 2024 3 Antworten
Don’t ever regenerate thumbnail with this plugin, it will broke a lot of Images on the frontend because Block editor is still mentioning the old extension rather than AVIF or WEBP. so if you don’t want a lot of your images is broken, don’t use it. Atleast until the problem is fixed.
18. Juli 2024 5 Antworten
This plugin worked like it says but it did not change all of the images in the blog posts – only some. So I have a ton of broken images because they are referencing the .jpg and not the .avif I even tried regenrate thumbnails and that did not fix the issue. All of the broken images are the thumnails that are resized. It would be better if it did not automatically delete those images so that at least if it didnt replace them all in the blog posts the old image would still resolve.
Alle 13 Rezensionen lesen

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  • Convert uploaded PNG files to AVIF or WebP. (1421)

Bug Fixes

  • Account for responsive images being disabled when generating a PICTURE element. (1449)



  • Improve disabling checkbox for Picture Element on Media settings screen. (1470)

Bug Fixes

  • Add missing full size image in PICTURE > SOURCE srcset. (1437)
  • Correct the fallback image in PICTURE element. (1408)
  • Don’t wrap PICTURE element if JPEG fallback is not available. (1450)
  • Fix setting sizes attribute on PICTURE > SOURCE elements. (1354)
  • Remove string type hint from webp_uploads_sanitize_image_format() to prevent possible fatal error. (1410)


  • Explain how to regenerate images in the Modern Image Formats readme. (1348)



  • I18N: Add context to Modern Image Formats section title. (1287)

Bug Fixes

  • Improve compatibility of styling picture elements. (1307)


Bug Fixes

  • Fix fatal error when another the_content filter callback returns null instead of a string. (1283)



  • Add picture element support. (73)
  • Add AVIF image format support. Add setting for output image format to choose between WebP and AVIF. (1176)


  • Improve Settings->Media controls for Modern Image Formats. (1273)
  • Remove obsolete fallback script now that picture element is supported. (1269)



  • Prepend Settings link in webp-uploads. (1146)
  • Improve overall code quality with stricter static analysis checks. (775)
  • Bump minimum PHP requirement to 7.2. (1130)


  • Updated inline documentation. (1160)


  • Add link to WebP settings to plugins table. (1036)
  • Rename plugin to „Modern Image Formats“. (1101)
  • Use plugin slug for generator tag. (1103)
  • Delete option when uninstalling the Modern Image Formats plugin. (1116)
  • Bump minimum required WP version to 6.4. (1062)
  • Update tested WordPress version to 6.5. (1027)


  • Exclude „.wordpress-org“ directory when deploying standalone plugins. (866)


  • Bump minimum required PHP version to 7.0 and minimum required WP version to 6.3. (851)


  • Add standalone plugin assets. (815)


  • Fix WebP handling when editing images based on WordPress 6.3 change. (796)


  • Bump tested up to version to 6.3. (772)


  • Initial release of the Modern Image Formats plugin as a standalone plugin. (664)