Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Woocommerce Cart Limit


Woocommerce Cart Limit is a plugin for controlling the cart i.e Max/Min cart quantity, max/min Cart subtotal values allowed in Cart.

Plugin Features

  • Limit maximum cart quantity.
  • Limit minimum cart quantity.
  • Limit maximum cart subtotal value.
  • Limit minimum cart subtotal value.
  • Limit maximum quantity per product.
  • Limit maximum quantity per Category.
  • Limit cart minimum different items.

Features Location

  • Main plugin page – Woocommerce -> Add Cart Limit
  • Category Limit – Product -> Catgories – > Edit Category -> Max Product Quantity
  • Individual Product – Edit product -> Advanced Tab -> Max Quantity Per Order

NOTE: This plugin require atleast Woocommerce v2.5.0.


  • 1.1
    Added New Features cart minimum different items
  • 1.2
    Fixed Category Quantity Limit



  1. Upload the plugin.
  2. Activate plugin
  3. Go to Woocommerce -> Add Cart Limit and enable limits.


7. April 2020
Looking at the support forum – it looks like this plugin is not actively supported. When adding variations from limited categories, seeing errors. Not limiting in some cases anyway. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/woo-cart-limit/woocommerce_limit_cart.php on line 751
26. Dezember 2019
Tried to use plugin to limit by category. Plugin removed all my role-based products from role-specific display (using a Wholesaler plugin). Plugin allows more than the limit to be added to cart and only gives a warning after checkout, instead of when adding to cart.
25. Februar 2019
Doesnt work for category quantity. 2 categories with 3 items in each. I can still add more than one item from one category, not as I expected. It seems out of date and not supported as before I write this none of the support questions been answered in 4 months!
22. Mai 2018
This plugin is very easy to use, straight to the point and zero problems!
Alle 13 Rezensionen lesen

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