Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WP Featherlight – A Simple jQuery Lightbox


WP Featherlight ist ein WordPress-Lightbox-Plugin für das Hinzufügen einer minimalen, leistungsstarken, reaktionsfähigen jQuery-Lightbox zu Ihrer WordPress-Website. Im Kern ist WP Featherlight ein WordPress-Plugin-Wrapper für das Featherlight-jQuery-Lightbox-Plugin. Wenn es installiert ist, zeigt das Plugin automatisch alle Standard-WordPress-Bilder und -Galerien in einem einfachen, minimalistischen Lightbox-Popup an.

Damit WordPress-Bilder und -Galerien in einer Lightbox angezeigt werden können, musst du die Option „Mediendatei“ auswählen, wenn du den Link zu den Vorschaubildern festlegen. Du kannst auch die Option „Individueller Link“ auswählen, wenn du sicherstellen willst, dass du direkt auf eine Bilddatei verlinkst. Dies sollte für jede Bilddatei funktionieren, auch wenn sie auf einer anderen Website gehostet wird.

Es ist auch möglich, Videos, iframes und Ajax-Inhalte mit WP Featherlight in eine Lightbox zu packen, indem du Datenattribute zu deinem Inhalt hinzufügst. Weitere Einzelheiten zum Laden von individuellen Inhalten findest du in der Featherlight-Dokumentation.

There are no settings for WP Featherlight, so you should be able to install it without needing to configure anything. In the event you don’t want a lightbox on certain pages or posts, there is an option to disable it from within the post editor screen.

If you find a display problem, it may be related to your theme but please open an support request about it so we can look into it. For more information about the Featherlight script itself, check out their GitHub plugin page.


While there are no options in the plugin, there are some handy filters to modify the default behavior. As of 0.3.0 all images which use the default WordPress captions will also include a caption when the image is lightboxed. To disable this behavior, filter wp_featherlight_captions to false.

You can also disable inclusion of the CSS and JavaScript conditionally using filters which can be found in the /includes/class-scripts.php file. If you have questions about how any part of the plugin works, please don’t hesitate to open an issue on GitHub.


Wenn du Code-Patches einreichst oder auf andere Weise beitragen möchtest, lade bitte das Plugin auf GitHub herunter.


  • Ein Blick auf die jQuery-Lightbox in Aktion.


10. Oktober 2023 1 Antwort
I have been using this „WP Featherlight – A Simple jQuery Lightbox“ plugin for many years and it’s my favorite. But the plugin is not updated for more then 3 years, is it safe to use?
24. Juli 2022
Light weight, easy to use, no issues. Recommended!
1. März 2021
I love minimalism, saving resources and increasing speed, so this is for sure my choice (even though I expect that a recent review was right that the closing could be better on mobiles). But I needed to extend the captions on pictures to include a copyright notice in the lightbox view (which would have been too much in page view). So I looked at the code and found that the WordPress media library is not queried at all, so no way will we get the media library description for an image. This is how to get out of that problem with some manual coding on pages: JS finds all images on the page, and gets their captions e.g. target.parent().find( ‚.wp-caption-text‘ ) So if the caption contains a <span> this can be used together with the class „featherlight“ of the outer lightbox <div> to add an extended description hidden on the page via CSS but shown in the lightbox. Thanks to all the contributors and PLEASE keep this great plugin alive!
19. Januar 2021
Sure, it’s not full of options, but it does it job and does it well, no bloat. When I need it, it just works. Thanks for sharing it and the continuous update.
Alle 95 Rezensionen lesen

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Dies ist in erster Linie eine Wartungsversion, aber es wurde eine Änderung vorgenommen.

  • Verbessert: Name des Metabox-Titels geändert


Freigabe zum Downgrade der Featherlight-Version, bis alle Fehler behoben sind.


Dies ist in erster Linie eine Wartungsversion, aber eine neue Funktion wurde hinzugefügt: Es wird die Option zum Deaktivieren der Lightbox in Gutenberg angezeigt!

Here’s a full list of what’s changed since the last release:

  • Feature: Metabox in der Seitenleiste wieder hinzufügen
  • Dev: Updated Featherlight to 1.7.14


Obwohl es sich in erster Linie um eine Wartungsversion handelt, wurde eine neue Funktion hinzugefügt. WP Featherlight unterstützt jetzt Gutenberg-Galerien.

Here’s a full list of what’s changed since the last release:

  • Feature: Gutenberg support
  • Tweak: General code cleanup in plugin
  • Dev: Updated Featherlight to 1.7.13
  • Wechsel des Eigentümers


This is primarily a maintenance release, but one new feature has been added. HTML in captions is now supported!

Here’s a full list of what’s changed since the last release:


Thanks to some changes implemented in the core featherlight script, the accessibility of WP Featherlight is now significantly improved. Lightboxed elements now have more appropriate focus management for screen readers and the close button is more accessible.

This update also fixes a potential plugin compatibly problem in the WordPress admin. In version 1.0, it was possible under unusual circumstances for the plugin to throw a fatal error when attempting to add the disable checkbox to the publish metabox.

  • Tweak: Improved accessibility (accessible close button, better focus management)
  • Fix: Prevented a fatal error that could happen when another plugin unsets the WP_Post object on the publish metabox.
  • Dev: Updated Featherlight to 1.7.0


Even though this is a major version change, this is primarily a maintenance release. The reason for the jump to 1.0.0 is because we’ve changed some code which could break backwards compatibility with custom extensions and integrations.

If you’re just using the plugin on your site and haven’t customized it or paid anyone to customize it for you, you should be able to update without any issues.

If you’re a developer and have written custom code extending the PHP side of WP Featherlight, be sure to test your code before updating.

Under the hood, we’ve deprecated some internal methods which could potentially break custom code which extends WP Featherlight. The changes are primarily limited to class initialization, so unless you were doing something specific to that, it’s unlikely that you’ll run into issues.

  • Tweak: Improved transition between images within galleries
  • Tweak: Moved our disable lightbox checkbox into the publish meta box to streamline the admin
  • Tweak: Made styles more aggressive to ensure elements look consistent across different themes by default
  • Fix: Reduced false positives for URLs that use image extensions but don’t actually link to an image
  • Dev: Updated Featherlight to 1.5.1
  • Dev: Updated jQuery Detect Swipe to 2.1.3
  • Dev: Deprecated some internal methods
  • Dev: Reorganized how classes are instantiated and plugin actions are fired

View the full changelog on GitHub