Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WP Glideshow


WP-Glideshow now with new, better features! Feature as many posts/pages as you like on any static page you wish. Optionally add an image to every post or page! Order your posts/pages by date or title! Choose from many styling options. Set duration of the slide and choose an effect for the Slideshow! Now including automatic image-resizing with wordpress built-in feature.

What this Slideshow can handle:

  • Displays as many posts OR/AND pages as you like
  • Sliding effect with Javascript
  • Autorotate on/off
  • Navigation through Numbers and Back/Forward
  • Highly Customizable through Administration Area
  • Eye-Catching images/title and post excerpt
  • Automatic image resizing using WordPress
  • Order by date, title – Sort ASC, DESC
  • Add new posts/pages via the edit panel

Check out the DEMO at Webdesign


  • This is how WP Glideshow may look on your Site too.
  • This is what your Administration Section for WP Glideshow will look like. (There are many more options)


  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Go to Settings/WP Glideshow and customize the Slideshow to your needs.
  3. Paste [glider] in any post/page you like or place <?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-glideshow/glideshow.php'); ?> in your template file.
  4. Select „Feature in WP-Glideshow“ on a page or post you like to show in WP-Glideshow (Edit a page/post – option is right under the editor).
  5. Upload an image to your post/page and select „use as featured image“.
  6. If you already have images marked as featured image you should regenerate thumbnails with „regenerate thumbnails plugin“.


Where can I insert WP Glideshow?

You can Insert WP Glideshow almost everywhere you want (Pages, posts, template file)

Where can I edit the Stylesheet?

You don’t have to edit the Stylesheet you can make changes directly in your Administration Panel (Settings –> WP Glideshow)

What is perfect Resolution for the Images?

You can choose your own resolution on plugin-settings page. Remember to regenerate thumbnails after changing image sizes.


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  • Now supports posts AND pages
  • Added automatic thumbnail generation through wordpress built-in functions
  • Styles optimized
  • More options
  • Order/Sort


  • WP Glideshow is available for download