

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 27. Juli 2023 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.


4. Januar 2021
Although it has not been updated for a while, it still works and it is a great plugin! Highly recommended.
16. März 2019 2 Antworten
I tried this plugin some time ago. Liked it, and even bought a license key. In my opinion this was a one time fee, but after a month I got an alarming mail „your license is expiring“. I thought – foolishly – this had something to do with an upgrade, so clicked [OK]. I just found out that this authorized the makers to pick €3,– EACH MONTH from my paypal account. Dirty little trick! This is even more a shame knowing my web hosting provider has banned the plugin as being a security risk. It has not been tested with the last three major WP releases. So I’ve not been using it for some months now – but payed for it anyway. I know: it’s my own fault. I should have checked better. But that’s water under the bridge now. What I CAN do is warn you for this tricks…
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