WP QuickLaTeX


Insert formulas & graphics in the posts and comments using native LaTeX shorthands directly in the text. Inline formulas, displayed equations auto-numbering, labeling and referencing, AMS-LaTeX, TikZ, custom LaTeX preamble. No LaTeX installation required. Easily customizable using UI page. Actively developed and maintained. Visit QuickLaTeX homepage for more info.

  • Standard LaTeX expressions can be cut and pasted directly into WordPress posts, pages, and comments; display environments require no enclosures, other expressions require only a surrounding $..$ or \[..\]. No need for enclosing tags [latex] ... [/latex].
  • Correct vertical positioning of inline formulas relative to baseline of surrounding text. Say “NO” to jumpy equations produced by other plugins!
  • SVG vector graphics support, so that formulas are crisp regardless of scaling in browser.
  • (AMS)LaTeX displayed math environments support: equation, align, gather, multiline, flalign, alignat, etc.
  • Automatic numbering of displayed equations. Override autonumbering with \tag{} LaTeX command.
  • Equation hyper-referencing by standard LaTeX rules with \label{}, \ref{}.
  • Custom LaTeX document preamble, allowing added \usepackage{} and \newcommand{}.
  • TikZ and pgfplots graphics package support.
  • Preview formulas in comments before publishing. Additionally AJAX Comment Preview plugin should be installed to enable this feature.
  • Meaningful error messages for mistakes in LaTeX code.
  • Precise font properties tuning: size, text and background color.
  • Easy style customization using UI or CSS file.
  • No LaTeX installation is required.
  • QuickLaTeX.com automatically provides formula images, which are then cached on user’s server.
  • Administrative settings page for setting global parameters; AJAX-ified.

Just place LaTeX math expressions into your text and enable QuickLaTeX on the page by [latexpage] command.
WP QuickLaTeX will convert them to high-quality images and embed into post. Inline formulas will be properly aligned with the text.
Displayed equations will be auto-numbered by LaTeX rules.
To see plugin in action please visit math-pages on my blog, e.g. Central Differences,
Cubature formulas for the unit disk, Smooth noise robust differentiators, etc.


  • LaTeX – enabled post in WordPress editor.
  • Same post – published.
  • TikZ drawing inclusion (up: source code in the post editor, down: published post).
  • Admin page – Basic settings.
  • Admin page – LaTeX Syntax Sitewide & Custom preamble
  • Admin page – Image format and other system settings.
  • Debug Mode – Error message triggered by misspelled \sqrt command.


WP QuickLaTeX is based on the free web service QuickLaTeX.com and doesn’t require
LaTeX to be installed on user’s server or hosting account. Just install the plugin and you are good to go.

  • Download WP QuickLaTeX plug-in.
  • Unzip the plugin file and upload its content to wp-content/plugins folder of your blog.
  • Activate WP-QuickLaTeX through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress, adjust its settings if needed.


How do I add LaTeX to my posts?

There are three possible ways:

  • Place [latexpage] somewhere on the page, post, or comment. Place LaTeX expression surrounded by $..$, \[..\] or a display environment \begin(equation}..\end{equation} (or align, gather, multiline, flalign, alignat).
  • Enable ‚Use LaTeX Syntax Sitewide‘; then it is not necessary to place [latexpage].
  • Wrap formulas with [latex] ... [/latex] (this gives compatibility with previously-written „legacy“ pages).

In any case plugin will do automatic/custom equation numbering based on LaTeX rules.
Check plugin home page for more information on features, examples, tips & tricks.

How can I send bug reports or request new feature?

Please use comments on the plugin’s web page WP-QuickLaTeX.
I’ll do my best to help you.


28. August 2024
수 많은 명령어 인식 불가. 한글 표시 안 됨. 전용 코드로 페이지에서 코드 변환을 제한하는 기능은 좋지만, 불편한게 더 많음.
10. Juni 2024
I love the author’s enthusiasm in maintaining this open source tool. But I have to point out, and the author implied in the README that this plugin uses QuickLaTeX.com to render your latex code. First of all, there is a privacy concern as QuickLaTeX.com sees all your latex code, whether in your public page or private. Second, the usability of this plugin depends on QuickLaTeX.com. If QuickLaTeX.com is down for maintenance, no new latex code will be generated.
9. Juni 2023 1 Antwort
I am extremely sorry for writting this review but people must know this plugin is outdated. I had massively used it since 2016 and have worked really well. However, during the last years / months it has not received enough updates (last update 3 years ago, not even „tested“ on WP 6). It has gave problem some times (not rendering equation due to server problems or whatever) and since yesterday it hugely lags my website. This was the last drop to take the decision to change the plugin as it seems it will have less updates time to time… So I had to adapt all my posts (more than 100 full of equations) to another plugin that seems to be more active and has future. Thank you for creating this amazing plugin but if you are a new user don’t get used to it / adapt equations to this plugin.
16. September 2020
Needed a plugin that would allow me add mathematical notation to web pages / blog posts. This one seems to be perfect for my needs, and worked well once I worked out that you need a shortcode block for the „latexpage“ but all the rest of the content can go anywhere. (WordPress newbie here!) Initially I couldn’t get the LaTeX content to appear inline with the rest of the text but the plugin author was very helpful in resolving that issue, which was caused by the theme’s CSS settings. In case anyone else needs the solution, here it is: 1. Find a CSS file belonging to your theme that contains “img{display:block; …}” – 2. Remove the “display:block;” bit and save the file. 3. Clear the browser cache using Ctrl-F5.
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  • More fixes to prevent XSS attack on admin settings page (suggested by WPScan team).
  • Minor changes to improve PHP code (suggested by Mike Witt).


  • Added extra checks on input settings on admin page (to prevent the possibility of XSS attack).
  • Minor changes and new version release.


  • Plugin and servers have been switched to work in HTTPS mode.


  • Fixed issue with retrieving settings from database reported by Ned Zimmerman.
  • Minor code polishes to silence the notices from PHP interpreter.


  • Added compatibility with PHP7.


  • Image size reduction using OptiPNG.
  • Minimized memory usage. Useful for restricted PHP configurations.


  • Added support for $latex ... $ syntax for easy switching from WP-LaTeX ;).
  • Server has been upgraded. Now QuickLaTeX server is located in Germany.


  • Switched to non-blocking connection with server to avoid delays/freeze if server is down.


  • Added rendering to SVG.
  • Fixed minor bug on a server side.


  • Fixed critical bug in parsing. Update is strongly recommended.
  • Minor changes in settings page.


  • Diagnostics on HTTP connection errors caused by server/PHP configuration have been added.


  • Server has been updated to include newest packages and changes.
  • Settings page has been improved.
  • Fixed few minor bugs in plugin.
  • Improved rendering of TikZ pictures with overlays.
  • Improved support of chemistry-related packages: ChemFig, myChemistry.


  • Fixed sanitization of LaTeX source code to be placed in alt attribute. Now QuickLaTeX markup passes HTML validation without errors/warnings.


  • Added compatibility with AJAX Comment Preview plugin to allow formulas preview in comments before publishing. Just update QuickLaTeX to 3.7.5 and install AJAX Comment Preview. You can test this feature on any post on my site .


  • Use ! before [latexpage] tag to escape it from processing.
  • Disabled $$ .. $$ processing on non-[latexpage] pages.


  • Equation hyper-referencing with \label{}, \ref{}.
  • Fixed bug with CSS styles for TikZ drawings.


  • Fixed vertical misalignment caused by CSS collisions with some „bossy“ themes.


  • Support of native LaTeX syntax embedded directly in the posts. Copy-paste exchange with offline LaTeX papers.
  • TikZ graphics support, including pgfplots and gnuplot commands.
  • Automatic displayed equations numbering facility; \tag{} overrides autonumbering.
  • Styles are in separate CSS file now for easy customization.
  • Redesign of UI admin page. AJAX submission of options
  • Improved rendering quality (PNG image output).
  • Support of Thesis theme.
  • Numerous small fixes and improvements.
  • Server software is updated to support TexLive 2010 package.


  • Server QuickLaTeX.com and plugin WP-QuickLaTeX have been completely rewritten.
  • Support of multiline environments.
  • Font properties tuning.
  • Custom LaTeX document preamble support.
  • UI Settings page.


  • Support of the latest WordPress 3.0.


  • Convert entities from extended HTML symbol table to ASCII for correct compilation by LaTeX.


  • Optimize cURL options to support safe mode.


  • Support of $$!..$$ to center formulas horizontally (displayed formulas).


  • Show detailed error messages from LaTeX compiler.
  • Increase speed by formula images caching.
  • Support of $$..$$ tags.


  • Increase speed by minor code refactoring.


  • Increase speed by using cURL if allowed by the server configuration.
  • Support of restricted servers with disabled allow_url_fopen.


  • Increase speed by formula properties caching.