Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WP Tabbed Widget


Display all your favorites widgets into a tabbed style widget.

Plugin features:

  • Add any core widgets to your tabs.
  • Add any theme custom widgets to your tabs.
  • Support any themes.
  • Vollständig responsiv
  • Drag to sort tabs.
  • Unlimited number of tabs to show.
  • Position it anywhere where a widget is configured in your theme.
  • No shortcode required.
  • Support Page Builder by SiteOrigin.
  • Support live customize.

Wir bieten Support

All support for this plugin is provided through our ticket system. If you have not registered yet, you can do so here for FREE


  • Widget backend settings.
  • Front-end.


In diesem Abschnitt wird beschrieben, wie du das Plugin installieren kannst und wie es arbeitet.

  1. Upload the wp-tabbed-widget folder to the to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin in WordPress im Menü „Plugins“​
  3. You can see WP Tabbed Widget by FameThemes.com widget in widgets section.
  4. Add it in sidebar and footer and configure as you want.
  5. Viel Spaß!


Plugin is not working

Please disable all plugins and check if WP Tabbed Widget plugin is working properly. Then you can enable all plugins one by one to find out which plugin is conflicting with plugin.


20. Oktober 2016
This plugin wonderfull. Because i tried almost all tab plugin and any tab plugin do not work smoothly in a page. Only this plugin work smoothly. Thank you so much. I hope you update it everytime.
3. September 2016
This plugin was just perfect for reducing the clutter in a heavy WooCommerce blinged site! Absolutely no dramas, totally obvious how to use it, can be used multiple times in the same sidebar and hasn’t caused any other widgets any problems – and is fully laced with CSS selectors for easy styling. Personally, I don’t need a shotcode so I’m not going to express an opinion :). So, Having tried a few alternatives, I can’t understand why this plugin is not used more widely.
3. September 2016
It works well an the admin interface is very intuitive. I agree, a shortcode to add tabbed widgets to posts would complete this fantastic plugin.
Alle 7 Rezensionen lesen

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„WP Tabbed Widget“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:


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  • Improve and fix bug for WP 4.8
  • Support Page Builder by SiteOrigin.
  • Support live customize.


  • First release!