Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 2. April 2023 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
26. Mai 2022
how to put a promotional link to the udemy courses when someone click.
23. Januar 2022
Looking good and easy UI but there’s showing error for API, Status:
Your domain was blocked by the Udemy firewall.
I Just received API approval email from Udemy. If my domain was blocked then how i got approved 2 time?
i was used from 2 year. but today i tried your plugin and got this error so i apply for new and i got approved and new API also showing same error.
15. Oktober 2016
So easy and straightforward to use.
3. September 2016
Very awesome Plugin, easy to setup and so many features. LIKE IT!
3. September 2016
Of course it like it 🙂
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