ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7


Contact Form 7 v5.1 dropped support for reCaptcha v2 along with the [recaptcha] tag December 2018. This plugin brings that functionality back from Contact Form 7 5.0.5 and re-adds the [recaptcha] tag.

If this plugin is installed before updating Contact Form 7 from v5.0.5 to v5.1.1 then it will carry over your old API keys. At that point you will just need to head to this plugins settings page to tell the website to use reCaptcha v2.

Once installed and configured it should be the same reCaptcha functionality you are used to in previous versions of Contact Form 7.



  • Settings page


Contact Form 7 is required to work with this plugin.

  1. Install this (ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7) plugin
  2. Update Contact Form 7 to the latest version
  3. Re-add the reCaptcha version 2 API keys (if no keys are currently set). For more information you may read How to Generate Google reCAPTCHA v2 Keys by IQComputing and Contact Form 7 documentation
  4. Using the left-hand admin navigation in the Contact Form 7 subpages click „reCaptcha Version“ (Contact -> reCaptcha Version)
  5. Once on the „ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7“ settings page, select from the select list „reCaptcha Version 2“ and click „save“

Once the version 2 API keys are set, the version 2 has been selected in the plugin settings, all [recaptcha] tags will be replaced with the expected Google reCaptcha on all forms.


Will this plugin work with Version 3 keys?

No and yes. Google reCaptcha has specific keys for each API. If you are doing an upgrade from a previous version of Contact Form 7 to the current version you will need to re-add the Version 2 API keys using the traditional method. That being said you can set the plugin usage to default and it will use the inherit Contact Form 7 reCaptcha Version 3 API.

Where do I add my Version 2 keys?

Under Contact -> Integration you can see a „reCAPTCHA“ service box where you may either „Setup Integration“ following instructions from the Contact Form 7 documentation. If you already have keys set you will need to click the „Remove Keys“ button and re-add them following the Contact Form 7 documentation.

I’ve added the Version 2 keys but nothing has changed

If you have added the Version 2 keys and you still do not see the reCaptcha show up on your forms please check the following:

  1. In WordPress admin, under Contact -> reCaptcha Version please ensure that you have „reCaptcha Version 2“ selected and saved.
  2. On your contact forms please ensure that you have the [recaptcha] tag somewhere in the form.

Should the above be correct, at this point it’s time to open a support thread for us to look into the issue further.


21. Januar 2025
Works perfectly. ReCaptcha V3 is sometimes not compatible with cookies managers. This resolved the issue for me with tarteaucitron.ioThanks !
22. Mai 2024
You fix this stupid plugin the creators of Contact Form 7 to remove the ReCaptcha v2.The problem is all themes are integrated with them
21. September 2023
I have multiple forms based on CF7 on my site and default reCAPTCHAv3 implementation sometimes blocked the submission for no apparent reason. This plugin allows me to decide which forms should be protected and which not. And also uses reCAPTCHAv2 which makes the rejection process much more transparent to user.
23. Februar 2023 1 Antwort
Contact Form 7 no longer supports reCAPTCHA V2 The latest version of the reCAPTCHA API is v3. Contact Form 7 5.1 and later uses this reCAPTCHA v3 API. reCAPTCHA v3 works in the background so users don’t need to read blurred text in an image or even tick the “I’m not a robot” checkbox. Can you still add an option for a V3 version? Thank you!
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1.4.8 (2024-11-13)

  • Updated the „Tested up to“ value to support 6.7+
  • Updates Contact Form 7 Tag Generator to v2

1.4.7 (2024-05-22)

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1.4.6 (2024-04-10)

  • Improved desription text ( Thanks @rickcurran )
  • Tested and updated to support WordPress 6.5 Regina