This plugin is for LearnDash users; it is another grid for the courses (and for professors of the course), with a filter for categories or tags – through the use of shortcodes.
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- Upload unzipped plugin directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress.
- Nothing else to do after installation? No options page?
Nope, you simply upload and activate it; and the plugin do the rest…
- So, how can I use this plugin…
Using a shortcode:
To show a filter of course categories names, followed by a two-column grid of all the courses: [xtraslms_portfolio]
This shortcode has many arguments; which self-explanatory names.
‚tax‘ => ‚cat‘, //’tag‘ or ‚cat‘'progress' => 1, 'my' => 1, 'q' => -1, //quantity 'iclass' => 'thumbnail'
The main argument is SHOW, it decides what to show. It has one of these values: f (for shows only filter), p (for shows only the portfolio of courses), a (for show the authors, it means, the professors), and al (for shows a list of courses per professor). For example:
To show only a filter: [xtraslms_portfolio show="f"] To show only a portfolio of courses (it means, image and title) as well as the name of the professor: [xtraslms_portfolio show="p,a"] To show only a portfolio of the image and name of professors: [xtraslms_portfolio show="a"]
You can apply a class to the images, using the argument ICLASS (its value is ‚thumbnail‘ by default).
You can decide how many columns in the grid (from 1 to 5) with the argument COLS; and how many courses to show, with the argument Q; and the order, using the argument ORDERBY, which has the values ‚modified‘ or ‚rand‘. For example:
To show one course, randomly: [xtraslms_portfolio show="p" q="1" orderby="rand"]
Back into the filter, you can filter by categories or by tags, using the argument TAX (which can take ‚cat‘ or ‚tax‘ value.
** to be continued **
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