WP Quick Maintenance Plugin will help you easily enable maintenance mode on your site or add a coming soon page for a new website. In Our this plugin user can easily customize frontend view according to requirement. Available custom features like Change title , heading , message, color etc. Admin User have full permission to access front end View.
- Fullscreen background Feature
- Contact form (receive emails from visitors)
- Responsive design
- Social media icons(Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pintrest, Instagram, Youtube, Linkedin)
- Works with any WordPress Version and theme
- Fully customizable From Admin Setting- Text Color, icons Color, background, and more.
- Add your title, headline, Message
- Flexible and Easy to use admin interface
- Upload own logo
- Upload Own Favicon
- 503:Status mode
- Visible only non logged user
- Add Html content in description
- Robots Meta Tag
Developed by Mudit Kumawat
- Upload the ‚wp-quick-maintenance‘ folder to the ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Show WP Quick Maintenance menu in Left Dashboard Menu
- Configure setting according to your requirement
=Required Setting=
- In WP Quick Maintenance admin setting : Enable Maintenance Mode (Show here Dropdown Menu choose here yes for Enable)
- Other WP Quick Maintenance admin setting configure according to your requirement
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